van Sluijs EMF, Ekelund U, Hallal PC, Hansen BH, Panter J, Salmon J, Sharp SJ, Sherar LB, Atkin AJ
Journal of physical activity & health. Oct 2024
(DOI : 10.1123/jpah.2024-0044)
Ricardo LIC, Wendt A, Tornquist D, Gonçalves H, Wehrmeister F, da Silva BGC, Tovo-Rodrigues L, Santos I, Barros A, Matijasevich A, Hallal PC, Domingues M, Ekelund U, Bielemann RM, Crochemore-Silva I
Journal of physical activity & health. Oct 2024
(DOI : 10.1123/jpah.2024-0018)
Tarp J, Dalene KE, Fagerland MW, Steene-Johannesen J, Hansen BH, Anderssen SA, Hagströmer M, Dohrn IM, Dempsey PC, Wijndaele K, Brage S, Nordström A, Nordström P, Diaz KM, Howard VJ, Hooker SP, Morseth B, Hopstock LA, Sagelv EH, Yates T, Edwardson CL, Lee IM, Ekelund U
American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Aug 2024
(DOI : 10.1016/j.amepre.2024.07.022)
Association between arterial health and cognition in adolescents: The PANIC study.
Jalanko P, Bond B, Laukkanen JA, Brage S, Ekelund U, Laitinen T, Määttä S, Kähönen M, Haapala EA, Lakka TA
Physiological reports. May 2024
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Wendt A, Bielemann RM, Wehrmeister FC, Ricardo LIC, Müller WA, Machado AKF, da Cruz MF, Bertoldi AD, Brage S, Ekelund U, Tovo-Rodrigues L, Crochemore-Silva I
PLoS ONE. Feb 2024
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Greater male variability in daily energy expenditure develops through puberty.
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Biology letters. Sep 2023
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Naveed S, Sallinen T, Eloranta AM, Skog H, Jalkanen H, Brage S, Ekelund U, Pentikäinen H, Savonen K, Lakka TA, Haapala EA
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports. Aug 2023
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Speakman JR, de Jong JMA, Sinha S, Westerterp KR, Yamada Y, Sagayama H, Ainslie PN, Anderson LJ, Arab L, Bedu-Addo K, Blanc S, Bonomi AG, Bovet P, Brage S, Buchowski MS, Butte NF, Camps SGJA, Cooper JA, Cooper R, Das SK, Davies PSW, Dugas LR, Ekelund U, Entringer S, Forrester T, Fudge BW, Gillingham M, Ghosh S, Goris AH, Gurven M, Halsey LG, Hambly C, Haisma HH, Hoffman D, Hu S, Joosen AM, Kaplan JL, Katzmarzyk P, Kraus WE, Kushner RF, Leonard WR, Löf M, Martin CK, Matsiko E, Medin AC, Meijer EP, Neuhouser ML, Nicklas TA, Ojiambo RM, Pietiläinen KH, Plange-Rhule J, Plasqui G, Prentice RL, Racette SB, Raichlen DA, Ravussin E, Redman LM, Roberts SB, Rudolph MC, Sardinha LB, Schuit AJ, Silva AM, Stice E, Urlacher SS, Valenti G, Van Etten LM, Van Mil EA, Wood BM, Yanovski JA, Yoshida T, Zhang X, Murphy-Alford AJ, Loechl CU, Kurpad A, Luke AH, Pontzer H, Rodeheffer MS, Rood J, Schoeller DA, Wong WW
Nature metabolism. Apr 2023
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Nature genetics. Sep 2022
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Gammon C, Atkin AJ, Corder K, Ekelund U, Hansen BH, Sherar LB, Andersen LB, Anderssen S, Davey R, Hallal PC, Jago R, Kriemler S, Kristensen PL, Kwon S, Northstone K, Pate R, Salmon J, Sardinha LB, van Sluijs EMF, International Childrens Accelerometry Database (ICAD) Collaborators
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Feb 2022
(DOI : 10.1249/MSS.0000000000002884)
Ikeda E, Guagliano JM, Atkin AJ, Sherar LB, Ekelund U, Hansen B, Northstone K, van Sluijs E, International Childrens Accelerometry Database (ICAD) Collaborators
The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity. Nov 2021
(DOI : 10.1186/s12966-022-01282-4)
Fortuin-de Smidt MC, Sewe MO, Lassale C, Weiderpass E, Andersson J, Huerta JM, Ekelund U, Aleksandrova K, Tong TY, Dahm CC, Tjønneland A, Kyrø C, Steindorf K, Schulze MB, Katzke V, Sacerdote C, Agnoli C, Masala G, Tumino R, Panico S, Boer JM, Onland-Moret NC, Wendel-Vos GW, van der Schouw YT, Borch KB, Agudo A, Petrova D, Chirlaque MD, Conchi MI, Amiano P, Melander O, Heath AK, Aune D, Forouhi NG, Langenberg C, Brage S, Riboli E, Wareham NJ, Danesh J, Butterworth AS, Wennberg P
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. Nov 2021
(DOI : 10.1093/eurjpc/zwac055)
Tarp J, Fagerland MW, Dalene KE, Johannessen JS, Hansen BH, Jefferis BJ, Whincup PH, Diaz KM, Hooker S, Howard VJ, Chernofsky A, Larson MG, Spartano NL, Vasan RS, Dohrn IM, Hagströmer M, Edwardson C, Yates T, Shiroma EJ, Dempsey PC, Wijndaele K, Anderssen SA, Lee IM, Ekelund U
British Journal of Sports Medicine. Nov 2021
(DOI : 10.1136/bjsports-2021-104827)
Collings PJ, Grøntved A, Jago R, Kriemler S, Northstone K, Puder JJ, Salmon J, Sardinha LB, Steene-Johannessen J, van Sluijs EMF, Sherar LB, Esliger DW, Ekelund U, International Childrens Accelerometry Database (ICAD) Collaborators
Pediatric Obesity. Oct 2021
(DOI : 10.1111/ijpo.12873)
Leppänen MH, Haapala EA, Väistö J, Ekelund U, Brage S, Kilpeläinen TO, Lakka TA
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports. Sep 2021
(DOI : 10.1111/sms.14081)
Solberg RB, Steene-Johannessen J, Wang Fagerland M, Anderssen SA, Berntsen S, Resaland GK, van Sluijs EMF, Ekelund U, Kolle E
Preventive medicine reports. May 2021
(DOI : 10.1016/j.pmedr.2021.101648)
Bielemann RM, Oliveira R, Bertoldi AD, Tomasi E, Demarco FF, Gonzalez MC, Böhm AW, Brage S, Ekelund U
Journal of Aging and Physical Activity. Apr 2021
(DOI : 10.1123/japa.2021-0148)
Korhonen M, Väistö J, Veijalainen A, Leppänen M, Ekelund U, Laukkanen JA, Brage S, Lintu N, Haapala EA, Lakka TA
Journal of sports sciences. Apr 2021
(DOI : 10.1080/02640414.2021.1912450)
Haapala EA, Väistö J, Ihalainen JK, Tomaselli González C, Leppänen MH, Veijalainen A, Sallinen T, Eloranta AM, Ekelund U, Schwab U, Brage S, Atalay M, Lakka TA
European journal of sport science. Feb 2021
(DOI : 10.1080/17461391.2021.1892830)
Ekelund U, Tarp J, Fagerland MW, Johannessen JS, Hansen BH, Jefferis BJ, Whincup PH, Diaz KM, Hooker S, Howard VJ, Chernofsky A, Larson MG, Spartano N, Vasan RS, Dohrn IM, Hagströmer M, Edwardson C, Yates T, Shiroma EJ, Dempsey P, Wijndaele K, Anderssen SA, Lee IM
British Journal of Sports Medicine. Sep 2020
(DOI : 10.1136/bjsports-2020-103270)
Physical activity behaviours in adolescence: current evidence and opportunities for intervention.
van Sluijs EMF, Ekelund U, Crochemore-Silva I, Guthold R, Ha A, Lubans D, Oyeyemi AL, Ding D, Katzmarzyk PT
Lancet (London, England). Mar 2020
(DOI : 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)01259-9)
Sagelv EH, Hopstock LA, Johansson J, Hansen BH, Brage S, Horsch A, Ekelund U, Morseth B
BMJ open sport & exercise medicine. Feb 2020
(DOI : 10.1136/bmjsem-2019-000661)
Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Physical Activity, and Insulin Resistance in Children.
Haapala EA, Wiklund P, Lintu N, Tompuri T, Väistö J, Finni T, Tarkka IM, Kemppainen T, Barker AR, Ekelund U, Brage S, Lakka TA
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Nov 2019
(DOI : 10.1249/MSS.0000000000002216)
Bernhardsen GP, Stensrud T, Hansen BH, Steene-Johannesen J, Kolle E, Nystad W, Anderssen SA, Hallal PC, Janz KF, Kriemler S, Andersen LB, Northstone K, Resaland GK, Sardinha LB, van Sluijs EMF, Ried-Larsen M, Ekelund U, International Childrens Accelerometry Database (ICAD) Collaborators
International Journal of Obesity. Oct 2019
(DOI : 10.1038/s41366-020-0612-9)
Bielemann RM, Silveira MPT, Lutz BH, Miranda VIA, Gonzalez MC, Brage S, Ekelund U, Bertoldi AD
Journal of physical activity & health. Sep 2019
(DOI : 10.1123/jpah.2019-0461)
Sagelv EH, Ekelund U, Pedersen S, Brage S, Hansen BH, Johansson J, Grimsgaard S, Nordström A, Horsch A, Hopstock LA, Morseth B
PLoS ONE. Jul 2019
(DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0225670)
Wijndaele K, White T, Andersen LB, Bugge A, Kolle E, Northstone K, Wedderkopp N, Ried-Larsen M, Kriemler S, Page AS, Puder JJ, Reilly JJ, Sardinha LB, van Sluijs EMF, Sharp SJ, Brage S, Ekelund U, International Childrens Accelerometry Database (ICAD) Collaborators
The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity. Jul 2019
(DOI : 10.1186/s12966-019-0858-6)
Objectively Measured Physical Activity Reduces the Risk of Mortality among Brazilian Older Adults.
Bielemann RM, Lacroix AZ, Bertoldi AD, Tomasi E, Demarco FF, Gonzalez MC, Crespo da Silva PA, Wendt A, Mohnsam da Silva IC, Brage S, Ekelund U, Pratt M
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. May 2019
(DOI : 10.1111/jgs.16180)
Veijalainen A, Haapala EA, Väistö J, Leppänen MH, Lintu N, Tompuri T, Seppälä S, Ekelund U, Tarvainen MP, Westgate K, Brage S, Lakka TA
European journal of applied physiology. May 2019
(DOI : 10.1007/s00421-019-04231-5)
Ricardo LIC, Wendt A, Galliano LM, de Andrade Muller W, Niño Cruz GI, Wehrmeister F, Brage S, Ekelund U, Crochemore M Silva I
PLoS ONE. Apr 2019
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Ding D, Mielke GI, Silva ICM, Wehrmeister FC, Horta BL, Brage S, Hallal PC, Ekelund U
Scientific reports. Dec 2018
(DOI : 10.1038/s41598-019-57070-x)
Anokye N, Fox-Rushby J, Sanghera S, Cook DG, Limb E, Furness C, Kerry SM, Victor CR, Iliffe S, Ussher M, Whincup PH, Ekelund U, DeWilde S, Harris T
BMJ Open. Oct 2018
(DOI : 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-021978)
Silva BGCD, Silva ICMD, Ekelund U, Brage S, Ong KK, De Lucia Rolfe E, Lima NP, Silva SGD, França GVA, Horta BL
Scientific reports. Sep 2018
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Bielemann RM, Dos S Vaz J, Domingues MR, Matijasevich A, Santos IS, Ekelund U, Horta BL
Public Health Nutrition. May 2018
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Bielemann RM, Ramires VV, Wehrmeister FC, Gonçalves H, Assunção MCF, Ekelund U, Horta BL
Osteoporosis international : a journal established as result of cooperation between the European Foundation for Osteoporosis and the National Osteoporosis Foundation of the USA. May 2018
(DOI : 10.1007/s00198-019-04862-6)
Hansen BH, Anderssen SA, Andersen LB, Hildebrand M, Kolle E, Steene-Johannessen J, Kriemler S, Page AS, Puder JJ, Reilly JJ, Sardinha LB, van Sluijs EMF, Wedderkopp N, Ekelund U, International Childrens Accelerometry Database (ICAD) Collaborators
Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.). Apr 2018
(DOI : 10.1007/s40279-018-0909-1)
Väistö J, Haapala EA, Viitasalo A, Schnurr TM, Kilpeläinen TO, Karjalainen P, Westgate K, Lakka HM, Laaksonen DE, Ekelund U, Brage S, Lakka TA
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports. Mar 2018
(DOI : 10.1111/sms.13315)
Tarp J, Child A, White T, Westgate K, Bugge A, Grøntved A, Wedderkopp N, Andersen LB, Cardon G, Davey R, Janz KF, Kriemler S, Northstone K, Page AS, Puder JJ, Reilly JJ, Sardinha LB, van Sluijs EMF, Ekelund U, Wijndaele K, Brage S, International Childrens Accelerometry Database (ICAD) Collaborators
International journal of obesity (2005). Feb 2018
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Adab P, Barrett T, Bhopal R, Cade JE, Canaway A, Cheng KK, Clarke J, Daley A, Deeks J, Duda J, Ekelund U, Frew E, Gill P, Griffin T, Hemming K, Hurley K, Lancashire ER, Martin J, McGee E, Pallan MJ, Parry J, Passmore S
Health technology assessment (Winchester, England). Feb 2018
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Adab P, Pallan MJ, Lancashire ER, Hemming K, Frew E, Barrett T, Bhopal R, Cade JE, Canaway A, Clarke JL, Daley A, Deeks JJ, Duda JL, Ekelund U, Gill P, Griffin T, McGee E, Hurley K, Martin J, Parry J, Passmore S, Cheng KK
BMJ (Clinical research ed.). Feb 2018
(DOI : 10.1136/bmj.k211)
Van Sluijs EM, Atkin AJ, Biddle SJH, Broyles ST, Chinapaw M, Ekelund U, Esliger DW, Hansen BH, Kriemler S, Puder JJ, Sherar LB
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. Dec 2017
(DOI : 10.1186/s12966-017-0631-7)
Wrist Acceleration Cut Points for Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity in Youth.
VAN Loo CMT, Okely AD, Batterham MJ, Hinkley T, Ekelund U, Brage S, Reilly JJ, Trost SG, Janssen X, Cliff DP
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Oct 2017
(DOI : 10.1249/MSS.0000000000001449)
Socioeconomic position and sedentary behavior in Brazilian adolescents: A life-course approach.
Mielke GI, Brown WJ, Ekelund U, Brage S, Gonçalves H, Wehrmeister FC, Menezes AM, Hallal PC
Preventive Medicine . Aug 2017
(DOI : 10.1016/j.ypmed.2017.12.008)
Nightingale CM, Rudnicka AR, Kerry-Barnard SR, Donin AS, Brage S, Westgate K, Ekelund U, Cook DG, Owen CG, Whincup PH
Pediatric diabetes. Aug 2017
(DOI : 10.1111/pedi.12637)
Atkin AJ, Biddle SJH, Broyles ST, Chinapaw M, Ekelund U, Esliger DW, Hansen BH, Kriemler S, Puder JJ, Sherar LB, van Sluijs EMF, International Childrens Accelerometry Database (ICAD) Collaborators
The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity. Jul 2017
(DOI : 10.1186/s12966-017-0631-7)
Dowd KP, Szeklicki R, Minetto MA, Murphy MH, Polito A, Ghigo E, van der Ploeg H, Ekelund U, Maciaszek J, Stemplewski R, Tomczak M, Donnelly AE
The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity. Jun 2017
(DOI : 10.1186/s12966-017-0636-2)
Tarp J, Bugge A, Andersen LB, Sardinha LB, Ekelund U, Brage S, Møller NC
International Journal of Obesity. Apr 2017
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Determinants of diet and physical activity (DEDIPAC): a summary of findings.
Brug J, van der Ploeg HP, Loyen A, Ahrens W, Allais O, Andersen LF, Cardon G, Capranica L, Chastin S, De Bourdeaudhuij I, De Craemer M, Donnelly A, Ekelund U, Finglas P, Flechtner-Mors M, Hebestreit A, Kubiak T, Lanza M, Lien N, MacDonncha C, Mazzocchi M, Monsivais P, Murphy M, Nicolaou M, Nöthlings U, O'Gorman DJ, Renner B, Roos G, van den Berg M, Schulze MB, Steinacker JM, Stronks K, Volkert D, Lakerveld J, DEDIPAC consortium
The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity. Apr 2017
(DOI : 10.1186/s12966-017-0609-5)
Kuzik N, Carson V, Andersen LB, Sardinha LB, Grøntved A, Hansen BH, Ekelund U, International Childrens Accelerometry Database (ICAD) Collaborators
Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.). Mar 2017
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Migueles JH, Cadenas-Sanchez C, Ekelund U, Delisle Nyström C, Mora-Gonzalez J, Löf M, Labayen I, Ruiz JR, Ortega FB
Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.). Mar 2017
(DOI : 10.1007/s40279-017-0716-0)
Kerry SM, Morgan KE, Limb E, Cook DG, Furness C, Carey I, DeWilde S, Victor CR, Iliffe S, Whincup P, Ussher M, Ekelund U, Fox-Rushby J, Ibison J, Harris T
BMC Public Health. Mar 2017
(DOI : 10.1186/s12889-018-5034-4)
da Silva ICM, Hino AA, Lopes A, Ekelund U, Brage S, Gonçalves H, Menezes AB, Reis RS, Hallal PC
BMC Public Health. Mar 2017
(DOI : 10.1186/s12889-017-4538-7)
Physical Activity Throughout Adolescence and Hba1c in Early Adulthood: Birth Cohort Study.
Nakamura PM, Mielke GI, Horta BL, Assunção MC, Gonçalves H, Menezes AMB, Barros FC, Ekelund U, Brage S, Wehrmeister FC, Oliveira IO, Hallal PC
Journal of Physical Activity and Health. Feb 2017
(DOI : 10.1123/jpah.2016-0245)
Haapala EA, Väistö J, Veijalainen A, Lintu N, Wiklund P, Westgate K, Ekelund U, Lindi V, Brage S, Lakka TA
Pediatric exercise science. Jan 2017
(DOI : 10.1123/pes.2016-0168)
Loyen A, Clarke-Cornwell AM, Anderssen SA, Hagströmer M, Sardinha LB, Sundquist K, Ekelund U, Steene-Johannessen J, Baptista F, Hansen BH, Wijndaele K, Brage S, Lakerveld J, Brug J, van der Ploeg HP
Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.). Dec 2016
(DOI : 10.1007/s40279-016-0658-y)
Kolle E, Horta BL, Wells J, Brage S, Barros FC, Ekelund U, Hallal PC
BMC Public Health. Dec 2016
(DOI : 10.1186/s12889-017-4924-1)
Wrist Accelerometer Cut Points for Classifying Sedentary Behavior in Children.
van Loo CM, Okely AD, Batterham MJ, Hinkley T, Ekelund U, Brage S, Reilly JJ, Trost SG, Janssen X, Cliff DP
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Nov 2016
(DOI : 10.1249/MSS.0000000000001158)
Júdice PB, Silva AM, Berria J, Petroski EL, Ekelund U, Sardinha LB
The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity. Nov 2016
(DOI : 10.1186/s12966-017-0481-3)
Ramires VV, Wehrmeister FC, Böhm AW, Galliano L, Ekelund U, Brage S, da Silva IC
The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity. Oct 2016
(DOI : 10.1186/s12966-017-0465-3)
Dugas LR, Kliethermes S, Plange-Rhule J, Tong L, Bovet P, Forrester TE, Lambert EV, Schoeller DA, Durazo-Arvizu RA, Shoham DA, Cao G, Brage S, Ekelund U, Cooper RS, Luke A
PeerJ. Sep 2016
(DOI : 10.7717/peerj.2902)
Collings PJ, Westgate K, Väistö J, Wijndaele K, Atkin AJ, Haapala EA, Lintu N, Laitinen T, Ekelund U, Brage S, Lakka TA
Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.). Aug 2016
(DOI : 10.1007/s40279-016-0606-x)
Harris T, Kerry SM, Limb ES, Victor CR, Iliffe S, Ussher M, Whincup PH, Ekelund U, Fox-Rushby J, Furness C, Anokye N, Ibison J, DeWilde S, David L, Howard E, Dale R, Smith J, Cook DG
PLoS Medicine. Aug 2016
(DOI : 10.1371/journal.pmed.1002210)
Ekelund U, Steene-Johannessen J, Brown WJ, Fagerland MW, Owen N, Powell KE, Bauman A, Lee IM
Lancet (London, England). Aug 2016
(DOI : 10.1016/S0140-6736(16)30370-1)
Predictive Validity of a Thigh-Worn Accelerometer METs Algorithm in 5- to 12-Year-old Children.
van Loo CM, Okely AD, Batterham M, Hinkley T, Ekelund U, Brage S, Reilly JJ, Peoples GE, Jones R, Janssen X, Cliff DP
Journal of physical activity & health. Jul 2016
(DOI : 10.1123/jpah.2015-0721)
Nightingale CM, Donin AS, Kerry SR, Owen CG, Rudnicka AR, Brage S, Westgate K, Ekelund U, Cook DG, Whincup PH
BMJ Open. Jun 2016
(DOI : 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-011131)
Corder K, Sharp SJ, Atkin AJ, Andersen LB, Cardon G, Page A, Davey R, Grøntved A, Hallal PC, Janz KF, Kordas K, Kriemler S, Puder JJ, Sardinha LB, Ekelund U, Van Sluijs EM, International Childrens Accelerometry Database (ICAD) Collaborators
Preventive medicine reports. May 2016
(DOI : 10.1016/j.pmedr.2016.05.006)
Physical activity and sedentary time in relation to academic achievement in children.
Haapala EA, Väistö J, Lintu N, Westgate K, Ekelund U, Poikkeus AM, Brage S, Lakka TA
Journal of science and medicine in sport. Mar 2016
(DOI : 10.1016/j.jsams.2016.11.003)
Determinants of Three-Year Change in Children's Objectively Measured Sedentary Time.
Atkin AJ, Foley L, Corder K, Ekelund U, Van Sluijs EM
PLoS ONE. Mar 2016
(DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0167826)
Validation of thigh-based accelerometer estimates of postural allocation in 5-12 year-olds.
van Loo CM, Okely AD, Batterham MJ, Hinkley T, Ekelund U, Brage S, Reilly JJ, Janssen X, Cliff DP
Journal of science and medicine in sport. Feb 2016
(DOI : 10.1016/j.jsams.2016.08.008)
Sardinha LB, Marques A, Minderico C, Ekelund U
Pediatric Obesity. Jan 2016
(DOI : 10.1111/ijpo.12153)
Van Sluijs EM, Sharp SJ, Ambrosini GL, Cassidy A, Griffin SJ, Ekelund U
The British journal of nutrition. Jan 2016
(DOI : 10.1017/S0007114515005097)
Adiposity, physical activity and neuromuscular performance in children.
Haapala EA, Väistö J, Lintu N, Tompuri T, Brage S, Westgate K, Ekelund U, Lampinen EK, Sääkslahti A, Lindi V, Lakka TA
Journal of sports sciences. Jan 2016
(DOI : 10.1080/02640414.2015.1134805)
Longitudinal Relationship between Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Academic Achievement.
Sardinha LB, Marques A, Minderico C, Palmeira A, Martins S, Santos DA, Ekelund U
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Nov 2015
(DOI : 10.1249/MSS.0000000000000830)
Breaking-up sedentary time is associated with impairment in activities of daily living.
Sardinha LB, Ekelund U, dos Santos L, Cyrino ES, Silva AM, Santos DA
Experimental gerontology. Oct 2015
(DOI : 10.1016/j.exger.2015.10.010)
Fitness but not weight status is associated with projected physical independence in older adults.
Sardinha LB, Cyrino ES, Santos LD, Ekelund U, Santos DA
Age (Dordrecht, Netherlands). Sep 2015
(DOI : 10.1007/s11357-016-9911-4)
Validation of the SenseWear Mini activity monitor in 5-12-year-old children.
van Loo CM, Okely AD, Batterham MJ, Hinkley T, Ekelund U, Brage S, Reilly JJ, Peoples GE, Janssen X, Cliff DP
Journal of science and medicine in sport. Sep 2015
(DOI : 10.1016/j.jsams.2016.04.010)
Brage S, Corder KL, Van Sluijs EM, Atkin AJ, Bamber DJ, Dunn VJ, Ekelund U, Goodyer IM, Owens M
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. Sep 2015
(DOI : 10.1186/s12966-015-0269-2)
Are Self-report Measures Able to Define Individuals as Physically Active or Inactive?
Steene-Johannessen J, Anderssen SA, van der Ploeg HP, Hendriksen IJ, Donnelly AE, Brage S, Ekelund U
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Sep 2015
(DOI : 10.1249/MSS.0000000000000760)
Sardinha LB, Santos DA, Silva AM, Grøntved A, Andersen LB, Ekelund U
PLoS ONE. Aug 2015
(DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0149351)
Guo VY, Brage S, Ekelund U, Griffin SJ, Simmons RK
Diabetic medicine : a journal of the British Diabetic Association. Aug 2015
(DOI : 10.1111/dme.12886)
Cooper AR, Goodman A, Page AS, Sherar LB, Esliger DW, Van Sluijs EM, Andersen LB, Anderssen S, Cardon G, Davey R, Froberg K, Hallal P, Janz KF, Kordas K, Kreimler S, Pate RR, Puder JJ, Reilly JJ, Salmon J, Sardinha LB, Timperio A, Ekelund U
The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity. Jun 2015
(DOI : 10.1186/s12966-015-0274-5)
Breaking-up sedentary time is associated with impairment in activities of daily living.
Sardinha LB, Ekelund U, dos Santos L, Cyrino ES, Silva AM, Santos DA
Experimental gerontology. Jun 2015
(DOI : 10.1016/j.exger.2015.09.011)
Särnblad S, Magnuson A, Ekelund U, Åman J
Acta paediatrica (Oslo, Norway : 1992). May 2015
(DOI : 10.1111/apa.13366)
Physical Activity throughout Adolescence and Cognitive Performance at 18 Years of Age.
Esteban-Cornejo I, Hallal PC, Mielke GI, Menezes AM, Gonçalves H, Wehrmeister F, Ekelund U, Rombaldi AJ
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. May 2015
(DOI : 10.1249/MSS.0000000000000706)
Reply to H Pareja-Galeano et al.
Ekelund U, Ward H, Luan J, Sharp SJ, Brage S, Wareham NJ
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. May 2015
(DOI : 10.3945/ajcn.115.108696)
Lamb MJE, Westgate K, Brage S, Ekelund U, Long GH, Griffin SJ, Simmons RK, Cooper AJ
Diabetologia. Apr 2015
(DOI : 10.1007/s00125-015-3756-8)
Adab P, Pallan MJ, Lancashire ER, Hemming K, Frew E, Griffin T, Barrett T, Bhopal R, Cade JE, Daley A, Deeks J, Duda J, Ekelund U, Gill P, McGee E, Parry J, Passmore S, Cheng KK
BMC Public Health. Apr 2015
(DOI : 10.1186/s12889-015-1800-8)
Horta BL, Schaan BD, Bielemann RM, Vianna CA, Gigante DP, Barros FC, Ekelund U, Hallal PC
Atherosclerosis. Apr 2015
(DOI : 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2015.09.005)
Van Sluijs EM, Andersen LB, Collings PJ, Cooper AR, Ekelund U, Hallal PC, Hansen BH, Hildebrand M, Kolle E, Kordas K, Kriemler S, Sardinha LB, Sherar LB, Wijndaele K
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Apr 2015
(DOI : 10.3945/ajcn.114.103648)
Utilization and Harmonization of Adult Accelerometry Data: Review and Expert Consensus.
Wijndaele K, Westgate K, Stephens SK, Blair SN, Bull FC, Chastin SF, Dunstan DW, Ekelund U, Esliger DW, Freedson PS, Granat MH, Matthews CE, Owen N, Rowlands AV, Sherar LB, Tremblay MS, Troiano RP, Brage S, Healy GN
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Mar 2015
(DOI : 10.1249/MSS.0000000000000661)
Sherar LB, Griffin TP, Ekelund U, Cooper AR, Esliger DW, Van Sluijs EM, Bo Andersen L, Cardon G, Davey R, Froberg K, Hallal PC, Janz KF, Kordas K, Kriemler S, Pate RR, Puder JJ, Sardinha LB, Timperio AF, Page AS
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. Mar 2015
(DOI : 10.1136/jech-2015-205763)
Ekelund U, Ward HA, Norat T, Luan J, May AM, Weiderpass E, Sharp SJ, Overvad K, Østergaard JN, Tjønneland A, Johnsen NF, Mesrine S, Fournier A, Fagherazzi G, Trichopoulou A, Lagiou P, Trichopoulos D, Li K, Kaaks R, Ferrari P, Licaj I, Jenab M, Bergmann M, Boeing H, Palli D, Sieri S, Panico S, Tumino R, Vineis P, Peeters PH, Monnikhof E, Bueno-de-Mesquita HB, Quirós JR, Agudo A, Sánchez MJ, Huerta JM, Ardanaz E, Arriola L, Hedblad B, Wirfält E, Sund M, Johansson M, Key TJ, Travis RC, Khaw KT, Brage S, Wareham NJ, Riboli E
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Mar 2015
(DOI : 10.3945/ajcn.114.100065)
Corder KL, Atkin AJ, Bamber DJ, Brage S, Dunn VJ, Ekelund U, Owens M, Van Sluijs EM, Goodyer IM
The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity. Feb 2015
(DOI : 10.1186/s12966-015-0269-2)
Marques A, Minderico C, Martins S, Palmeira A, Ekelund U, Sardinha LB
International Journal of Obesity. Feb 2015
(DOI : 10.1038/ijo.2015.168)
The potential yield of non-exercise physical activity energy expenditure in public health.
Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.). Feb 2015
(DOI : 10.1007/s40279-015-0310-2)
Matsuzaki M, Sullivan R, Ekelund U, Krishna KVR, Kulkarni B, Collier T, Ben-Shlomo Y, Kinra S, Kuper H
BMC Public Health. Feb 2015
(DOI : 10.1186/s12889-016-2706-9)
Brage S, Westgate K, Franks PW, Stegle O, Wright A, Ekelund U, Wareham NJ
PLoS ONE. Jan 2015
(DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0137206)
Hildebrand M, Kolle E, Hansen BH, Collings PJ, Wijndaele K, Kordas K, Cooper AR, Sherar LB, Andersen LB, Sardinha LB, Kriemler S, Hallal P, van Sluijs E, Ekelund U
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Dec 2014
(DOI : 10.3945/ajcn.114.103648)
A new approach to define and diagnose cardiometabolic disorder in children.
Andersen LB, Lauersen JB, Brønd JC, Anderssen SA, Sardinha LB, Steene-Johannessen J, McMurray RG, Barros MV, Kriemler S, Møller NC, Bugge A, Kristensen PL, Ried-Larsen M, Grøntved A, Ekelund U
Journal of diabetes research. Nov 2014
(DOI : 10.1155/2015/539835)
Prospective associations between sedentary time, sleep duration and adiposity in adolescents.
Collings PJ, Wijndaele K, Corder KL, Westgate K, Ridgway CL, Sharp SJ, Atkin AJ, Bamber D, Goodyer I, Brage S, Ekelund U
Sleep medicine. Nov 2014
(DOI : 10.1016/j.sleep.2015.02.532)
Ahmad S, Harris T, Limb E, Kerry S, Victor C, Ekelund U, Iliffe S, Whincup P, Beighton C, Ussher M, Cook DG
BMC family practice. Oct 2014
(DOI : 10.1186/s12875-015-0324-8)
Marques A, Ekelund U, Sardinha LB
Journal of science and medicine in sport. Oct 2014
(DOI : 10.1016/j.jsams.2015.02.007)
Assah F, Mbanya JC, Ekelund U, Wareham NJ, Brage S
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. Oct 2014
(DOI : 10.1136/jech-2014-205154)
Janssen X, Cliff D, Reilly J, Hinkley T, Jones R, Batterham M, Ekelund U, Brage S, Okely T
Journal of sports sciences. Sep 2014
(DOI : 10.1080/02640414.2014.949826)
Bowen L, Taylor AE, Sullivan R, Ebrahim S, Kinra S, Krishna KV, Kulkarni B, Ben-Shlomo Y, Ekelund U, Wells JC, Kuper H
BMC Public Health. Sep 2014
(DOI : 10.1186/s12889-015-1550-7)
Harrison F, Van Sluijs EM, Corder KL, Ekelund U, Jones A
The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity. Sep 2014
(DOI : 10.1186/s12966-015-0202-8)
Harrison F, Van Sluijs EM, Corder K, Ekelund U, Jones A
The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity. Sep 2014
(DOI : 10.1186/s12966-015-0202-8)
Reichert FF, Wells JC, Ekelund U, Menezes AM, Victora CG, Hallal PC
Journal of Physical Activity and Health. Aug 2014
(DOI : 10.1123/jpah.2013-0509)
Collings PJ, Wijndaele K, Corder KL, Westgate K, Ridgway CL, Sharp SJ, Atkin AJ, Stephen AM, Bamber D, Goodyer I, Brage S, Ekelund U
Pediatric Obesity. Aug 2014
(DOI : 10.1111/ijpo.12031)
Effects of reducing sedentary time on glucose metabolism in immigrant Pakistani men.
Andersen E, Ekelund U, Anderssen SA
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Jul 2014
(DOI : 10.1249/MSS.0000000000000460)
Collings PJ, Wijndaele K, Corder KL, Westgate K, Ridgway CL, Sharp SJ, Dunn V, Goodyer I, Ekelund U, Brage S
The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity. Jul 2014
(DOI : 10.1186/s12966-015-0222-4)
Shoham DA, Dugas LR, Bovet P, Forrester TE, Lambert EV, Plange-Rhule J, Schoeller DA, Brage S, Ekelund U, Durazo-Arvizu RA, Cooper RS, Luke A
BMC Public Health. Jul 2014
(DOI : 10.1186/s12889-015-1435-9)
Brooke HL, Atkin AJ, Corder K, Ekelund U, Van Sluijs EM
Journal of science and medicine in sport. Jul 2014
(DOI : 10.1016/j.jsams.2014.10.003)
Association between physical activity, sedentary time, and healthy fitness in youth.
Marques A, Santos R, Ekelund U, Sardinha LB
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Jul 2014
(DOI : 10.1249/MSS.0000000000000426)
Age group comparability of raw accelerometer output from wrist- and hip-worn monitors.
Hildebrand M, van Hees VT, Hansen BH, Ekelund U
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Jun 2014
(DOI : 10.1249/MSS.0000000000000289)
Harris T, Kerry SM, Victor CR, Ekelund U, Woodcock A, Iliffe S, Whincup PH, Beighton C, Ussher M, Limb ES, David L, Brewin D, Adams F, Rogers A, Cook DG
PLoS Medicine. May 2014
(DOI : 10.1371/journal.pmed.1001783)
Lakerveld J, van der Ploeg HP, Kroeze W, Ahrens W, Allais O, Andersen LF, Cardon G, Capranica L, Chastin S, Donnelly A, Ekelund U, Finglas P, Flechtner-Mors M, Hebestreit A, Hendriksen I, Kubiak T, Lanza M, Loyen A, MacDonncha C, Mazzocchi M, Monsivais P, Murphy M, Nöthlings U, O'Gorman DJ, Renner B, Roos G, Schuit AJ, Schulze M, Steinacker J, Stronks K, Volkert D, Van't Veer P, Lien N, De Bourdeaudhuij I, Brug J
The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity. May 2014
(DOI : 10.1186/s12966-014-0143-7)
Sedentary behavior and incident cancer: a meta-analysis of prospective studies.
Shen D, Mao W, Liu T, Lin Q, Lu X, Wang Q, Lin F, Ekelund U, Wijndaele K
PLoS ONE. Apr 2014
(DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0105709)
Dugas LR, Bovet P, Forrester TE, Lambert EV, Plange-Rhule J, Durazo-Arvizu RA, Shoham D, Kroff J, Cao G, Cooper RS, Brage S, Ekelund U, Luke A
BMC Public Health. Apr 2014
(DOI : 10.1186/1471-2458-14-882)
Preventing childhood obesity, phase II feasibility study focusing on South Asians: BEACHeS.
Adab P, Pallan MJ, Cade J, Ekelund U, Barrett T, Daley A, Deeks J, Duda J, Gill P, Parry J, Bhopal R, Cheng KK
BMJ Open. Apr 2014
(DOI : 10.1136/bmjopen-2013-004579)
Activity levels in mothers and their preschool children.
Hesketh KR, Goodfellow L, Ekelund U, McMinn AM, Godfrey KM, Inskip HM, Cooper C, Harvey NC, Van Sluijs EM
Pediatrics. Mar 2014
(DOI : 10.1542/peds.2013-3153)
Activity levels in mothers and their preschool children
Van Sluijs EM, Cooper C, Ekelund U, Godfrey KM, Goodfellow L, Harvey NC, Hesketh KR, Inskip HM, McMinn AM
Pediatrics. Mar 2014
(DOI : 10.1542/peds.2013-3153)
Atkin AJ, Corder K, Goodyer I, Bamber D, Ekelund U, Brage S, Dunn V, Van Sluijs EM
The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity. Mar 2014
(DOI : 10.1186/s12966-015-0180-x)
Atkin AJ, Corder KL, Goodyer I, Bamber D, Ekelund U, Brage S, Dunn V, Van Sluijs EM
The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity. Mar 2014
(DOI : 10.1186/s12966-015-0180-x)
Goharian TS, Andersen LB, Franks PW, Wareham NJ, Brage S, Veidebaum T, Ekelund U, Lawlor DA, Loos RJ, Grøntved A
Journal of Human Hypertension. Mar 2014
(DOI : 10.1038/jhh.2014.63)
Golubic R, Wijndaele K, Sharp SJ, Simmons RK, Griffin SJ, Wareham NJ, Ekelund U, Brage S, ProActive Study Group
International Journal of Obesity. Jan 2014
(DOI : 10.1038/ijo.2014.66)
Van Sluijs EM, Collings PJ, Cooper C, Ekelund U, Godfrey KM, Harvey NC, Hesketh KR, Inskip HM, McMinn AM, Sharp SJ
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. Jan 2014
(DOI : 10.1186/1479-5868-11-1)
Rogers A, Harris T, Victor C, Woodcock A, Limb E, Kerry S, Iliffe S, Whincup P, Ekelund U, Beighton C, Ussher M, Adams F, Cook DG
BMC geriatrics. Dec 2013
(DOI : 10.1186/1471-2318-14-46)
Golubic R, May AM, Benjaminsen Borch K, Overvad K, Charles MA, Diaz MJ, Amiano P, Palli D, Valanou E, Vigl M, Franks PW, Wareham NJ, Ekelund U, Brage S
PLoS ONE. Dec 2013
(DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0092829)
Griffin SJ, Simmons RK, Prevost AT, Williams KM, Hardeman W, Sutton S, Brage S, Ekelund U, Parker RA, Wareham NJ, Kinmonth AL
Diabetologia. Dec 2013
(DOI : 10.1007/s00125-014-3236-6)
Breakfast consumption and physical activity in adolescents: daily associations and hourly patterns.
Corder K, Van Sluijs EM, Ridgway CL, Steele RM, Prynne CJ, Stephen AM, Bamber DJ, Dunn VJ, Goodyer IM, Ekelund U
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Nov 2013
(DOI : 10.3945/ajcn.111.027607)
Change in objectively measured physical activity during the transition to adolescence
Griffin SJ, Jones AP, Van Sluijs EM, Corder KL, Ekelund U, Sharp SJ
British Journal of Sports Medicine. Nov 2013
(DOI : 10.1136/bjsports-2013-093190)
Breakfast consumption and physical activity in adolescents: daily associations and hourly patterns
Van Sluijs EM, Bamber DJ, Corder KL, Dunn VJ, Ekelund U, Goodyer IM, Prynne CJ, Ridgway CL, Steele RM, Stephen AM
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Nov 2013
(DOI : 10.3945/ajcn.111.027607)
Physical Activity Awareness of British Adolescents.
Corder KL, Van Sluijs EM, Goodyer I, Ridgway CL, Steele RM, Bamber D, Dunn V, Griffin SJ, Ekelund U
Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine. Nov 2013
(DOI : PMC3812705)
Change in objectively measured physical activity during the transition to adolescence.
Corder KL, Sharp SJ, Atkin AJ, Griffin SJ, Jones AP, Ekelund U, Van Sluijs EM
British Journal of Sports Medicine. Oct 2013
(DOI : 10.1136/bjsports-2013-093190)
Strath SJ, Kaminsky LA, Ainsworth BE, Ekelund U, Freedson PS, Gary RA, Richardson CR, Smith DT, Swartz AM
Circulation. Oct 2013
(DOI : 10.1161/01.cir.0000435708.67487.da)
Luke A, Bovet P, Plange-Rhule J, Forrester TE, Lambert EV, Schoeller DA, Dugas LR, Durazo-Arvizu RA, Shoham DA, Cao G, Brage S, Ekelund U, Cooper RS
BMC Public Health. Oct 2013
(DOI : 10.1186/1471-2458-14-397)
Orme M, Wijndaele K, Sharp SJ, Westgate K, Ekelund U, Brage S
The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity. Oct 2013
(DOI : 10.1186/1479-5868-11-34)
Heritability of objectively assessed daily physical activity and sedentary behavior.
den Hoed M, Brage S, Zhao JH, Westgate K, Nessa A, Ekelund U, Spector TD, Wareham NJ, Loos RJ
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Sep 2013
(DOI : 10.3945/ajcn.113.069849)
Validation of activPAL defined sedentary time and breaks in sedentary time in 4- to 6-year-olds.
Janssen X, Cliff DP, Reilly JJ, Hinkley T, Batterham M, Ekelund U, Brage S, Okely AD
Pediatric exercise science. Sep 2013
(DOI : 10.1123/pes.2013-0106)
Harris T, Kerry SM, Victor CR, Shah SM, Iliffe S, Ussher M, Ekelund U, Fox-Rushby J, Whincup P, David L, Brewin D, Ibison J, DeWilde S, Limb E, Anokye N, Furness C, Howard E, Dale R, Cook DG
Trials. Sep 2013
(DOI : 10.1186/1745-6215-14-418)
Griffin SJ, Van Sluijs EM, Ekelund U, Godfrey KM, Harvey NC, Inskip HM, McMinn AM
PLoS ONE. Sep 2013
(DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0074934)
Collings PJ, Wijndaele K, Corder KL, Westgate K, Ridgway CL, Dunn V, Goodyer I, Ekelund U, Brage S
The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity. Sep 2013
(DOI : 10.1186/1479-5868-11-23)
Griffin SJ, Van Sluijs EM, Brooke HL, Corder KL, Ekelund U
BMC Public Health. Aug 2013
What do adolescents want in order to do more physical activity?
Van Sluijs EM, Atkin AJ, Corder KL, Ekelund U
BMC Public Health. Aug 2013
Golubic R, Martin KR, Ekelund U, Hardy R, Kuh D, Wareham NJ, Cooper R, Brage S
The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity. Jul 2013
(DOI : 10.1186/1479-5868-11-58)
España-Romero V, Golubic R, Martin KR, Hardy R, Ekelund U, Kuh D, Wareham NJ, Cooper R, Brage S
PLoS ONE. Jul 2013
(DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0087085)
Determinants of Change in Children’s Sedentary Time
Griffin SJ, Van Sluijs EM, Corder KL, Ekelund U, Wijndaele K
PLoS ONE. Jun 2013
(DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0067627)
Wijndaele K, Orrow G, Ekelund U, Sharp SJ, Brage S, Griffin SJ, Simmons RK
Diabetologia. Jun 2013
(DOI : 10.1007/s00125-013-3102-y)
Janssen X, Cliff DP, Reilly JJ, Hinkley T, Batterham M, Ekelund U, Brage S, Okely AD
PLoS ONE. Jun 2013
(DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0079124)
Hesketh KR, McMinn AM, Ekelund U, Sharp SJ, Collings PJ, Harvey NC, Godfrey KM, Inskip HM, Cooper C, Van Sluijs EM
The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity. Jun 2013
(DOI : 10.1186/1479-5868-11-1)
Calibration and cross-validation of a wrist-worn Actigraph in young preschoolers.
Johansson E, Ekelund U, Nero H, Marcus C, Hagströmer M
Pediatric Obesity. May 2013
(DOI : 10.1111/j.2047-6310.2013.00213.x)
Janssen X, Cliff DP, Reilly JJ, Hinkley T, Batterham M, Ekelund U, Brage S, Okely AD
Journal of science and medicine in sport. May 2013
(DOI : 10.1016/j.jsams.2013.10.252)
Silva AM, Santos DA, Matias CN, Júdice PB, Magalhães JP, Ekelund U, Sardinha LB
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. May 2013
(DOI : 10.1038/ejcn.2014.51)
Cooper AJ, Brage S, Ekelund U, Wareham NJ, Griffin SJ, Simmons RK
Diabetologia. Apr 2013
(DOI : 10.1007/s00125-013-3069-8)
What do adolescents want in order to become more active?
Corder KL, Atkin AJ, Ekelund U, Van Sluijs EM
BMC Public Health. Apr 2013
(DOI : 10.1186/1471-2458-13-718)
Van Sluijs EM, McMinn AM, Inskip HM, Ekelund U, Godfrey KM, Harvey NC, Griffin SJ
PLoS ONE. Apr 2013
(DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0074934)
Grøntved A, Ried-Larsen M, Ekelund U, Froberg K, Brage S, Andersen LB
Diabetes care. Apr 2013
(DOI : 10.2337/dc12-2252)
Physical activity intensity, sedentary time, and body composition in preschoolers.
Collings PJ, Brage S, Ridgway CL, Harvey NC, Godfrey KM, Inskip HM, Cooper C, Wareham NJ, Ekelund U
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Apr 2013
(DOI : 10.3945/ajcn.112.045088)
Hallal PC, Reichert FF, Clark VL, Cordeira KL, Menezes AM, Eaton S, Ekelund U, Wells JC
PLoS ONE. Mar 2013
(DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0077036)
Impact of study design on development and evaluation of an activity-type classifier.
van Hees VT, Golubic R, Ekelund U, Brage S
Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985). Feb 2013
(DOI : 10.1152/japplphysiol.00984.2012)
Corder K, Craggs C, Jones AP, Ekelund U, Griffin SJ, Van Sluijs EM
The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity. Feb 2013
(DOI : 10.1186/1479-5868-10-69)
Determinants of change in children's sedentary time.
Atkin AJ, Corder KL, Ekelund U, Wijndaele K, Griffin SJ, Van Sluijs EM
PLoS ONE. Feb 2013
(DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0067627)
Wientzek A, Tormo Diaz MJ, Castaño JM, Amiano P, Arriola L, Overvad K, Østergaard JN, Charles MA, Fagherazzi G, Palli D, Bendinelli B, Skeie G, Borch KB, Wendel-Vos W, de Hollander E, May AM, den Ouden ME, Trichopoulou A, Valanou E, Söderberg S, Franks PW, Brage S, Vigl M, Boeing H, Ekelund U
Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.). Jan 2013
(DOI : 10.1002/oby.20530)
Brooke HL, Corder KL, Griffin SJ, Ekelund U, Van Sluijs EM
BMC Public Health. Jan 2013
(DOI : 10.1186/1471-2458-13-761)
Sedentary time in children: influence of accelerometer processing on health relations.
Atkin AJ, Ekelund U, Møller NC, Froberg K, Sardinha LB, Andersen LB, Brage S
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Jan 2013
(DOI : 10.1249/MSS.0b013e318282190e)
van Hees VT, Gorzelniak L, Dean León EC, Eder M, Pias M, Taherian S, Ekelund U, Renstrom F, Franks PW, Horsch A, Brage S
PLoS ONE. Dec 2012
(DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0061691)
Ried-Larsen M, Grøntved A, Froberg K, Ekelund U, Andersen LB
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports. Dec 2012
(DOI : 10.1111/sms.12046)
Harris T, Kerry S, Victor C, Ekelund U, Woodcock A, Iliffe S, Whincup P, Beighton C, Ussher M, David L, Brewin D, Adams F, Rogers A, Cook D
BMC Public Health. Dec 2012
(DOI : 10.1186/1471-2458-13-5)
den Hoed M, Eijgelsheim M, Esko T, Brundel BJ, Peal DS, Evans DM, Nolte IM, Segrè AV, Holm H, Handsaker RE, Westra HJ, Johnson T, Isaacs A, Yang J, Lundby A, Zhao JH, Kim YJ, Go MJ, Almgren P, Bochud M, Boucher G, Cornelis MC, Gudbjartsson D, Hadley D, van der Harst P, Hayward C, den Heijer M, Igl W, Jackson AU, Kutalik Z, Luan J, Kemp JP, Kristiansson K, Ladenvall C, Lorentzon M, Montasser ME, Njajou OT, O'Reilly PF, Padmanabhan S, St Pourcain B, Rankinen T, Salo P, Tanaka T, Timpson NJ, Vitart V, Waite L, Wheeler W, Zhang W, Draisma HH, Feitosa MF, Kerr KF, Lind PA, Mihailov E, Onland-Moret NC, Song C, Weedon MN, Xie W, Yengo L, Absher D, Albert CM, Alonso A, Arking DE, de Bakker PI, Balkau B, Barlassina C, Benaglio P, Bis JC, Bouatia-Naji N, Brage S, Chanock SJ, Chines PS, Chung M, Darbar D, Dina C, Dörr M, Elliott P, Felix SB, Fischer K, Fuchsberger C, de Geus EJ, Goyette P, Gudnason V, Harris TB, Hartikainen AL, Havulinna AS, Heckbert SR, Hicks AA, Hofman A, Holewijn S, Hoogstra-Berends F, Hottenga JJ, Jensen MK, Johansson Å, Junttila J, Kääb S, Kanon B, Ketkar S, Khaw KT, Knowles JW, Kooner AS, Kors JA, Kumari M, Milani L, Laiho P, Lakatta EG, Langenberg C, Leusink M, Liu Y, Luben RN, Lunetta KL, Lynch SN, Markus MR, Marques-Vidal P, Mateo Leach I, McArdle WL, McCarroll SA, Medland SE, Miller KA, Montgomery GW, Morrison AC, Müller-Nurasyid M, Navarro P, Nelis M, O'Connell JR, O'Donnell CJ, Ong KK, Newman AB, Peters A, Polasek O, Pouta A, Pramstaller PP, Psaty BM, Rao DC, Ring SM, Rossin EJ, Rudan D, Sanna S, Scott RA, Sehmi JS, Sharp SJ, Shin JT, Singleton AB, Smith AV, Soranzo N, Spector TD, Stewart C, Stringham HM, Tarasov KV, Uitterlinden AG, Vandenput L, Hwang SJ, Whitfield JB, Wijmenga C, Wild SH, Willemsen G, Wilson JF, Witteman JC, Wong A, Wong Q, Jamshidi Y, Zitting P, Boer JM, Boomsma DI, Borecki IB, van Duijn CM, Ekelund U, Forouhi NG, Froguel P, Hingorani A, Ingelsson E, Kivimaki M, Kronmal RA, Kuh D, Lind L, Martin NG, Oostra BA, Pedersen NL, Quertermous T, Rotter JI, van der Schouw YT, Verschuren WM, Walker M, Albanes D, Arnar DO, Assimes TL, Bandinelli S, Boehnke M, de Boer RA, Bouchard C, Caulfield WL, Chambers JC, Curhan G, Cusi D, Eriksson J, Ferrucci L, van Gilst WH, Glorioso N, de Graaf J, Groop L, Gyllensten U, Hsueh WC, Hu FB, Huikuri HV, Hunter DJ, Iribarren C, Isomaa B, Järvelin MR, Jula A, Kähönen M, Kiemeney LA, van der Klauw MM, Kooner JS, Kraft P, Iacoviello L, Lehtimäki T, Lokki ML, Mitchell BD, Navis G, Nieminen MS, Ohlsson C, Poulter NR, Qi L, Raitakari OT, Rimm EB, Rioux JD, Rizzi F, Rudan I, Salomaa V, Sever PS, Shields DC, Shuldiner AR, Sinisalo J, Stanton AV, Stolk RP, Strachan DP, Tardif JC, Thorsteinsdottir U, Tuomilehto J, van Veldhuisen DJ, Virtamo J, Viikari J, Vollenweider P, Waeber G, Widén E, Cho YS, Olsen JV, Visscher PM, Willer C, Franke L, Erdmann J, Thompson JR, Pfeufer A, Sotoodehnia N, Newton-Cheh C, Ellinor PT, Stricker BH, Metspalu A, Perola M, Beckmann JS, Smith GD, Stefansson K, Wareham NJ, Munroe PB, Sibon OC, Milan DJ, Snieder H, Samani NJ, Loos RJ
Nature genetics. Dec 2012
(DOI : 10.1038/ng.2610)
Santos DA, Silva AM, Matias CN, Magalhães JP, Fields DA, Minderico CS, Ekelund U, Sardinha LB
Journal of science and medicine in sport. Dec 2012
(DOI : 10.1016/j.jsams.2013.09.006)
Physical activity and blood pressure in primary school children: a longitudinal study.
Knowles G, Pallan M, Thomas GN, Ekelund U, Cheng KK, Barrett T, Adab P
Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. : 1979). Nov 2012
(DOI : 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.112.201277)
Practical utility and reliability of whole-room calorimetry in young children.
Janssen X, Cliff D, Okely AD, Batterham M, Ekelund U, Brage S, Reilly JJ
The British journal of nutrition. Sep 2012
(DOI : 10.1017/S0007114512003820)
Commentary: Too much sitting--a public health threat?
International Journal of Epidemiology. Sep 2012
(DOI : 10.1093/ije/dys128)
Arango CM, Parra DC, Gómez LF, Lema L, Lobelo F, Ekelund U
Journal of science and medicine in sport. Sep 2012
(DOI : 10.1016/j.jsams.2013.09.010)
Children younger than 7 years with type 1 diabetes are less physically active than healthy controls.
Sundberg F, Forsander G, Fasth A, Ekelund U
Acta paediatrica (Oslo, Norway : 1992). Aug 2012
(DOI : 10.1111/j.1651-2227.2012.02803.x)
Is wearing a pedometer associated with higher physical activity among adolescents?
Ho V, Simmons RK, Ridgway CL, Van Sluijs EM, Bamber DJ, Goodyer IM, Dunn VJ, Ekelund U, Corder K
Preventive medicine. Jul 2012
(DOI : 10.1016/j.ypmed.2013.01.015)
Objectively measured physical activity in the 1993 Pelotas (Brazil) birth cohort.
Reichert FF, Hallal PC, Wells JC, Horta BL, Ekelund U, Menezes AM
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Jul 2012
(DOI : 10.1249/MSS.0b013e3182687d35)
Global physical activity levels: surveillance progress, pitfalls, and prospects.
Hallal PC, Andersen LB, Bull FC, Guthold R, Haskell W, Ekelund U
Lancet (London, England). Jul 2012
(DOI : 10.1016/S0140-6736(12)60646-1)
Grøntved A, Ried-Larsen M, Møller NC, Kristensen PL, Wedderkopp N, Froberg K, Hu FB, Ekelund U, Andersen LB
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. Jul 2012
(DOI : 10.1177/2047487312454760)
Scott RA, Langenberg C, Sharp SJ, Franks PW, Rolandsson O, Drogan D, van der Schouw YT, Ekelund U, Kerrison ND, Ardanaz E, Arriola L, Balkau B, Barricarte A, Barroso I, Bendinelli B, Beulens JW, Boeing H, de Lauzon-Guillain B, Deloukas P, Fagherazzi G, Gonzalez C, Griffin SJ, Groop LC, Halkjaer J, Huerta JM, Kaaks R, Khaw KT, Krogh V, Nilsson PM, Norat T, Overvad K, Panico S, Rodriguez-Suarez L, Romaguera D, Romieu I, Sacerdote C, Sánchez MJ, Spijkerman AM, Teucher B, Tjonneland A, Tumino R, van der A DL, Wark PA, McCarthy MI, Riboli E, Wareham NJ
Diabetologia. Jun 2012
(DOI : 10.1007/s00125-012-2715-x)
The association of education with long-term weight change in the EPIC-PANACEA cohort.
Rohrmann S, Steinbrecher A, Linseisen J, Hermann S, May A, Luan J, Ekelund U, Overvad K, Tjønneland A, Halkjær J, Fagherazzi G, Boutron-Ruault MC, Clavel-Chapelon F, Agnoli C, Tumino R, Masala G, Mattiello A, Ricceri F, Travier N, Amiano P, Ardanaz E, Chirlaque MD, Sánchez MJ, Rodriguez L, Nilsson LM, Johansson I, Hedblad B, Rosvall M, Lund E, Braaten T, Naska A, Orfanos P, Trichopoulou A, van den Berg S, Bueno-de-Mesquita HB, Bergmann MM, Steffen A, Kaaks R, Teucher B, Wareham NJ, Khaw KT, Crowe FL, Illner AK, Slimani N, Gallo V, Mouw T, Norat T, Peeters PH
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Jun 2012
(DOI : 10.1038/ejcn.2012.55)
Golubic R, Ekelund U, Wijndaele K, Luben R, Khaw KT, Wareham NJ, Brage S
International Journal of Obesity. Apr 2012
(DOI : 10.1038/ijo.2012.58)
Ekelund U, Akbarzadeh M, Khoshnood A, Björk J, Ohlsson M
BMC research notes. Apr 2012
(DOI : 10.1186/1756-0500-5-420)
Validity and comparability of a wrist-worn accelerometer in children.
Ekblom O, Nyberg G, Bak EE, Ekelund U, Marcus C
Journal of Physical Activity and Health. Mar 2012
Breakfast consumption and daily physical activity patterns in adolescents
Griffin SJ, Van Sluijs EM, Bamber D, Corder KL, Ekelund U, Goodyer IM, Steele R, Stephen AM
British Journal of Nutrition. Mar 2012
(DOI : 10.1017/S0007114510003272)
Wells JC, Dumith SC, Ekelund U, Reichert FF, Menezes AM, Victora CG, Hallal PC
The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine. Mar 2012
(DOI : 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2012.08.013)
den Hoed M, Luan J, Langenberg C, Cooper C, Sayer AA, Jameson K, Kumari M, Kivimaki M, Hingorani AD, Grøntved A, Khaw KT, Ekelund U, Wareham NJ, Loos RJ
International Journal of Obesity. Mar 2012
(DOI : 10.1038/ijo.2012.34)
Scott RA, Chu AY, Grarup N, Manning AK, Hivert MF, Shungin D, Tönjes A, Yesupriya A, Barnes D, Bouatia-Naji N, Glazer NL, Jackson AU, Kutalik Z, Lagou V, Marek D, Rasmussen-Torvik LJ, Stringham HM, Tanaka T, Aadahl M, Arking DE, Bergmann S, Boerwinkle E, Bonnycastle LL, Bornstein SR, Brunner E, Bumpstead SJ, Brage S, Carlson OD, Chen H, Chen YD, Chines PS, Collins FS, Couper DJ, Dennison EM, Dowling NF, Egan JS, Ekelund U, Erdos MR, Forouhi NG, Fox CS, Goodarzi MO, Gräßler J, Gustafsson S, Hallmans G, Hansen T, Hingorani A, Holloway JW, Hu FB, Isomaa B, Jameson KA, Johansson I, Jonsson A, Jørgensen T, Kivimaki M, Kovacs P, Kumari M, Kuusisto J, Laakso M, Lecoeur C, Lévy-Marchal C, Li G, Loos RJ, Lyssenko V, Marmot M, Marques-Vidal P, Morken MA, Müller G, North KE, Pankow JS, Payne F, Prokopenko I, Psaty BM, Renstrom F, Rice K, Rotter JI, Rybin D, Sandholt CH, Sayer AA, Shrader P, Schwarz PE, Siscovick DS, Stančáková A, Stumvoll M, Teslovich TM, Waeber G, Williams GH, Witte DR, Wood AR, Xie W, Boehnke M, Cooper C, Ferrucci L, Froguel P, Groop L, Kao WH, Vollenweider P, Walker M, Watanabe RM, Pedersen O, Meigs JB, Ingelsson E, Barroso I, Florez JC, Franks PW, Dupuis J, Wareham NJ, Langenberg C
Diabetes. Mar 2012
(DOI : 10.2337/db11-0973)
Helmerhorst HJ, Brage S, Warren J, Besson H, Ekelund U
The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity. Feb 2012
(DOI : 10.1186/1479-5868-9-103)
Ekelund U, Luan J, Sherar LB, Esliger DW, Griew P, Cooper A
JAMA. Feb 2012
(DOI : 10.1001/jama.2012.156)
Van Sluijs EM, Cook DG, Ekelund U, Nightingale CM, Owen CG, Rudnicka AR, Whincup PH
PLoS ONE. Feb 2012
(DOI : 10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0030932)
Williamson W, Fuld J, Westgate K, Sylvester K, Ekelund U, Brage S
Pulmonary medicine. Dec 2011
(DOI : 10.1155/2012/874020)
May AM, Adema LE, Romaguera D, Vergnaud AC, Agudo A, Ekelund U, Steffen A, Orfanos P, Slimani N, Rinaldi S, Mouw T, Rohrmann S, Hermann S, Boeing H, Bergmann MM, Jakobsen MU, Overvad K, Wareham NJ, Gonzalez C, Tjonneland A, Halkjaer J, Key TJ, Spencer EA, Hellstrom V, Manjer J, Hedblad B, Lund E, Braaten T, Clavel-Chapelon F, Boutron-Ruault MC, Rodriguez L, Sánchez MJ, Dorronsoro M, Barricarte A, Huerta JM, Naska A, Trichopoulou A, Palli D, Pala V, Norat T, Mattiello A, Tumino R, van der A D, Bueno-de-Mesquita HB, Riboli E, Peeters PH
BMC Medical Research Methodology. Dec 2011
(DOI : 10.1186/1471-2288-12-148)
Prediction of childhood obesity by infancy weight gain: an individual-level meta-analysis.
Druet C, Stettler N, Sharp SJ, Simmons RK, Cooper C, Smith GD, Ekelund U, Lévy-Marchal C, Järvelin MR, Kuh D, Ong KK
Paediatric and perinatal epidemiology. Dec 2011
(DOI : 10.1111/j.1365-3016.2011.01213.x)
Assessing physical activity using wearable monitors: measures of physical activity.
Butte NF, Ekelund U, Westerterp KR
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Dec 2011
(DOI : 10.1249/MSS.0b013e3182399c0e)
Hallal PC, Reichert FF, Ekelund U, Dumith SC, Menezes AM, Victora CG, Wells J
Journal of sports sciences. Dec 2011
(DOI : 10.1080/02640414.2011.631570)
Ekelund U, Palla L, Brage S, Franks PW, Peters T, Balkau B, Diaz MJ, Huerta JM, Agnoli C, Arriola L, Ardanaz E, Boeing H, Clavel-Chapelon F, Crowe F, Fagherazzi G, Groop L, Føns Johnsen N, Kaaks R, Khaw KT, Key TJ, de Lauzon-Guillain B, May A, Monninkhof E, Navarro C, Nilsson P, Nautrup Østergaard J, Norat T, Overvad K, Palli D, Panico S, Redondo ML, Ricceri F, Rolandsson O, Romaguera D, Romieu I, Sánchez Pérez MJ, Slimani N, Spijkerman A, Teucher B, Tjonneland A, Travier N, Tumino R, Vos W, Vigl M, Sharp SJ, Langenberg C, Forouhi N, Riboli E, Feskens E, Wareham NJ
Diabetologia. Nov 2011
(DOI : 10.1007/s00125-012-2532-2)
Hallal PC, Dumith SC, Ekelund U, Reichert FF, Menezes AM, Victora CG, Wells JC
The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity. Oct 2011
(DOI : 10.1186/1479-5868-9-82)
Luke A, Bovet P, Forrester TE, Lambert EV, Plange-Rhule J, Schoeller DA, Dugas LR, Durazo-Arvizu RA, Shoham D, Cooper RS, Brage S, Ekelund U, Steyn NP
BMC Public Health. Oct 2011
(DOI : 10.1186/1471-2458-11-927)
Validity and Comparability of a Wrist-Worn Accelerometer in Children.
Ekblom O, Nyberg G, Ekblom Bak E, Ekelund U, Marcus C
Journal of Physical Activity and Health. Sep 2011
(DOI : 2010-0228)
Validity of a short questionnaire to assess physical activity in 10 European countries.
Peters T, Brage S, Westgate K, Franks PW, Gradmark A, Tormo Diaz MJ, Huerta JM, Bendinelli B, Vigl M, Boeing H, Wendel-Vos W, Spijkerman A, Benjaminsen-Borch K, Valanou E, de Lauzon Guillain B, Clavel-Chapelon F, Sharp SJ, Kerrison N, Langenberg C, Arriola L, Barricarte A, Gonzales C, Grioni S, Kaaks R, Key T, Khaw KT, May A, Nilsson P, Norat T, Overvad K, Palli D, Panico S, Ramón Quirós J, Ricceri F, Sánchez MJ, Slimani N, Tjonneland A, Tumino R, Feskins E, Riboli E, Ekelund U, Wareham NJ
European Journal of Epidemiology. Aug 2011
(DOI : 10.1007/s10654-011-9625-y)
What proportion of youth are physically active? Measurement issues, levels and recent time trends.
Ekelund U, Tomkinson G, Armstrong N
British Journal of Sports Medicine. Aug 2011
(DOI : 10.1136/bjsports-2011-090190)
Armstrong N, Tomkinson G, Ekelund U
British Journal of Sports Medicine. Aug 2011
(DOI : 10.1136/bjsports-2011-090200)
Mountjoy M, Andersen LB, Armstrong N, Biddle S, Boreham C, Bedenbeck HP, Ekelund U, Engebretsen L, Hardman K, Hills AP, Hills A, Kahlmeier S, Kriemler S, Lambert E, Ljungqvist A, Matsudo V, McKay H, Micheli L, Pate R, Riddoch C, Schamasch P, Sundberg CJ, Tomkinson G, van Sluijs E, van Mechelen W
British Journal of Sports Medicine. Aug 2011
(DOI : 10.1136/bjsports-2011-090228)
Hemmingsson E, Ekelund U, Uddén J
Journal of Physical Activity and Health. Aug 2011
Physical activity awareness of British adolescents
Griffin SJ, Van Sluijs EM, Bamber D, Corder KL, Dunn V, Ekelund U, Goodyer IM, Ridgway CL, Steele R
Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. Jul 2011
(DOI : 10.1001/archpediatrics.2011.94)
Criterion validity of a 10-category scale for ranking physical activity in Norwegian women.
Borch KB, Ekelund U, Brage S, Lund E
The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity. Jun 2011
(DOI : 10.1186/1479-5868-9-2)
Owen CG, Nightingale CM, Rudnicka AR, Sluijs EM, Ekelund U, Cook DG, Whincup PH
PLoS ONE. Jun 2011
(DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0030932)
Sullivan R, Kinra S, Ekelund U, Bharathi AV, Vaz M, Kurpad A, Collier T, Reddy KS, Prabhakaran D, Ben-Shlomo Y, Davey Smith G, Ebrahim S, Kuper H
PLoS ONE. Jun 2011
(DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0024898)
Van Sluijs EM, Andersen LB, Armstrong N, Bedenbeck HP, Biddle SJ, Boreham C, Ekelund U, Engebretsen L, Hardman K, Hills A, Kahlmeier S, Kriemler S, Lambert E, Ljungqvist A, Matsudo V, McKay H, Micheli L, Mountjoy M, Pate R, Riddoch C, Schamasch P, Sundberg CJ, van Mechelen W
British Journal of Sports Medicine. Jun 2011
(DOI : 10.1136/bjsports-2011-090228)
Differences in metabolic risk factors between normal weight and overweight children.
Nyberg G, Ekelund U, Yucel-Lindberg TL, Mode R T, Marcus C
International journal of pediatric obesity : IJPO : an official journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity. May 2011
(DOI : 10.3109/17477166.2011.575226)
Hallal PC, Dumith SC, Reichert FF, Menezes AM, Araújo CL, Wells JC, Ekelund U, Victora CG
Journal of Physical Activity and Health. May 2011
(DOI : PMC3672951)
Bergmann MM, Schütze M, Steffen A, Boeing H, Halkjaer J, Tjonneland A, Travier N, Agudo A, Slimani N, Rinaldi S, Norat T, Romaguera D, Rohrmann S, Kaaks R, Jakobsen MU, Overvad K, Ekelund U, Spencer EA, Rodriguez L, Sánchez MJ, Dorronsoro M, Barricarte A, Chirlaque MD, Orfanos P, Naska A, Trichopoulou A, Palli D, Grioni S, Vineis P, Panico S, Tumino R, Riboli E, Wareham NJ, Bueno-de-Mesquita B, May A, Peeters PH
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. May 2011
(DOI : 10.1038/ejcn.2011.70)
Sullivan R, Kinra S, Ekelund U, Bharathi AV, Vaz M, Kurpad A, Collier T, Reddy KS, Prabhakaran D, Ebrahim S, Kuper H
The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity. May 2011
(DOI : 10.1186/1479-5868-9-13)
Barker A, Sharp SJ, Timpson NJ, Bouatia-Naji N, Warrington NM, Kanoni S, Beilin LJ, Brage S, Deloukas P, Evans DM, Grontved A, Hassanali N, Lawlor DA, Lecoeur C, Loos RJ, Lye SJ, McCarthy MI, Mori TA, Ndiaye NC, Newnham JP, Ntalla I, Pennell CE, St Pourcain B, Prokopenko I, Ring SM, Sattar N, Visvikis-Siest S, Dedoussis GV, Palmer LJ, Froguel P, Smith GD, Ekelund U, Wareham NJ, Langenberg C
Diabetes. Apr 2011
(DOI : 10.2337/db10-1575)
Kilpeläinen TO, Qi L, Brage S, Sharp SJ, Sonestedt E, Demerath E, Ahmad T, Mora S, Kaakinen M, Sandholt CH, Holzapfel C, Autenrieth CS, Hyppönen E, Cauchi S, He M, Kutalik Z, Kumari M, Stančáková A, Meidtner K, Balkau B, Tan JT, Mangino M, Timpson NJ, Song Y, Zillikens MC, Jablonski KA, Garcia ME, Johansson S, Bragg-Gresham JL, Wu Y, Van Vliet-Ostaptchouk JV, Onland-Moret NC, Zimmermann E, Rivera NV, Tanaka T, Stringham HM, Silbernagel G, Kanoni S, Feitosa MF, Snitker S, Ruiz JR, Metter J, Larrad MT, Atalay M, Hakanen M, Amin N, Cavalcanti-Proença C, Grøntved A, Hallmans G, Jansson JO, Kuusisto J, Kähönen M, Lutsey PL, Nolan JJ, Palla L, Pedersen O, Pérusse L, Renstrom F, Scott RA, Shungin D, Sovio U, Tammelin TH, Rönnemaa T, Lakka TA, Uusitupa M, Rios MS, Ferrucci L, Bouchard C, Meirhaeghe A, Fu M, Walker M, Borecki IB, Dedoussis GV, Fritsche A, Ohlsson C, Boehnke M, Bandinelli S, van Duijn CM, Ebrahim S, Lawlor DA, Gudnason V, Harris TB, Sørensen TI, Mohlke KL, Hofman A, Uitterlinden AG, Tuomilehto J, Lehtimäki T, Raitakari O, Isomaa B, Njølstad PR, Florez JC, Liu S, Ness A, Spector TD, Tai ES, Froguel P, Boeing H, Laakso M, Marmot M, Bergmann S, Power C, Khaw KT, Chasman D, Ridker P, Hansen T, Monda KL, Illig T, Järvelin MR, Wareham NJ, Hu FB, Groop LC, Orho-Melander M, Ekelund U, Franks PW, Loos RJ
PLoS Medicine. Apr 2011
(DOI : 10.1371/journal.pmed.1001116)
International children's accelerometry database (ICAD): design and methods.
Sherar LB, Griew P, Esliger DW, Cooper AR, Ekelund U, Judge K, Riddoch C
BMC Public Health. Apr 2011
(DOI : 10.1186/1471-2458-11-485)
Ekelund U, Besson H, Luan J, May AM, Sharp SJ, Brage S, Travier N, Agudo A, Slimani N, Rinaldi S, Jenab M, Norat T, Mouw T, Rohrmann S, Kaaks R, Bergmann MM, Boeing H, Clavel-Chapelon F, Boutron-Ruault MC, Overvad K, Jakobsen MU, Johnsen NF, Halkjaer J, González CA, Rodriguez L, Sánchez MJ, Arriola L, Barricarte A, Navarro C, Key TJ, Spencer EA, Orfanos P, Naska A, Trichopoulou A, Manjer J, Lund E, Palli D, Pala V, Vineis P, Mattiello A, Tumino R, Bueno-de-Mesquita HB, van den Berg SW, Odysseos AD, Riboli E, Wareham NJ, Peeters PH
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Feb 2011
(DOI : 10.3945/ajcn.110.006593)
Kuh D, Pierce M, Adams EJ, Deanfield J, Ekelund U, Friberg P, Ghosh AK, Harwood N, Hughes A, Macfarlane PW, Mishra G, Pellerin D, Wong A, Stephen AM, Richards M, Hardy R, NSHD scientific and data collection team
International Journal of Epidemiology. Feb 2011
(DOI : 10.1093/ije/dyq231)
van Hees VT, Renstrom F, Wright A, Gradmark A, Catt M, Chen KY, Löf M, Bluck L, Pomeroy J, Wareham NJ, Ekelund U, Brage S, Franks PW
PLoS ONE. Feb 2011
(DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0022922)
Urbanization, physical activity, and metabolic health in sub-Saharan Africa.
Assah FK, Ekelund U, Brage S, Mbanya JC, Wareham NJ
Diabetes care. Jan 2011
(DOI : 10.2337/dc10-0990)
NOS3 variants, physical activity, and blood pressure in the European Youth Heart Study.
Grøntved A, Andersen LB, Franks PW, Verhage B, Wareham NJ, Ekelund U, Loos RJ, Brage S
American journal of hypertension. Jan 2011
(DOI : 10.1038/ajh.2010.265)
Kilpeläinen TO, den Hoed M, Ong KK, Grøntved A, Brage S, Jameson K, Cooper C, Khaw KT, Ekelund U, Wareham NJ, Loos RJ
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Jan 2011
(DOI : 10.3945/ajcn.110.000828)
Wijndaele K, Brage S, Besson H, Khaw KT, Sharp SJ, Luben R, Bhaniani A, Wareham NJ, Ekelund U
PLoS ONE. Dec 2010
(DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0020058)
A proposed method of bias adjustment for meta-analyses of published observational studies.
Thompson S, Ekelund U, Jebb S, Lindroos AK, Mander A, Sharp SJ, Turner R, Wilks D
International Journal of Epidemiology. Dec 2010
(DOI : 10.1093/ije/dyq248)
Langenberg C, Sharp SJ, Forouhi NG, Franks PW, Schulze MB, Kerrison N, Ekelund U, Barroso I, Panico S, Tormo MJ, Spranger J, Griffin SJ, van der Schouw YT, Amiano P, Ardanaz E, Arriola L, Balkau B, Barricarte A, Beulens JW, Boeing H, Bueno-de-Mesquita HB, Buijsse B, Chirlaque Lopez MD, Clavel-Chapelon F, Crowe FL, de Lauzon-Guillan B, Deloukas P, Dorronsoro M, Drogan D, Froguel P, Gonzalez C, Grioni S, Groop L, Groves C, Hainaut P, Halkjaer J, Hallmans G, Hansen T, Huerta Castaño JM, Kaaks R, Key TJ, Khaw KT, Koulman A, Mattiello A, Navarro C, Nilsson P, Norat T, Overvad K, Palla L, Palli D, Pedersen O, Peeters PH, Quirós JR, Ramachandran A, Rodriguez-Suarez L, Rolandsson O, Romaguera D, Romieu I, Sacerdote C, Sánchez MJ, Sandbaek A, Slimani N, Sluijs I, Spijkerman AM, Teucher B, Tjonneland A, Tumino R, van der A DL, Verschuren WM, Tuomilehto J, Feskens E, McCarthy M, Riboli E, Wareham NJ
Diabetologia. Dec 2010
(DOI : 10.1007/s00125-011-2182-9)
Harvey NC, Cole ZA, Crozier SR, Kim M, Ntani G, Goodfellow L, Robinson SM, Inskip HM, Godfrey KM, Dennison EM, Wareham NJ, Ekelund U, Cooper C
Osteoporosis international : a journal established as result of cooperation between the European Foundation for Osteoporosis and the National Osteoporosis Foundation of the USA. Nov 2010
(DOI : 10.1007/s00198-011-1641-y)
Fat-free mass mediates the association between birth weight and aerobic fitness in youth.
Ridgway CL, Brage S, Anderssen S, Sardinha LB, Andersen LB, Ekelund U
International journal of pediatric obesity : IJPO : an official journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity. Nov 2010
(DOI : 10.3109/17477166.2010.526225)
Ridgway CL, Brage S, Anderssen SA, Sardinha LB, Andersen LB, Ekelund U
Diabetes care. Oct 2010
(DOI : 10.2337/dc10-1178)
Change in children’s physical activity over 12 months; longitudinal results from the SPEEDY study.
Griffin SJ, Jones AP, Van Sluijs EM, Corder KL, Ekelund U
Pediatrics. Oct 2010
(DOI : 10.1542/peds.2010-0048)
Changes in children's physical activity over 12 months: longitudinal results from the SPEEDY study.
Corder KL, Van Sluijs EM, Ekelund U, Jones AP, Griffin SJ
Pediatrics. Sep 2010
(DOI : 10.1542/peds.2010-0048)
Ridgway CL, Sharp SJ, Derom C, Beunen G, Fagard R, Vlietinck R, Ekelund U, Loos RJ
PLoS ONE. Sep 2010
(DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0017955)
Breakfast consumption and physical activity in British adolescents.
Corder KL, Van Sluijs EM, Steele RM, Stephen AM, Dunn V, Bamber D, Goodyer I, Griffin SJ, Ekelund U
The British journal of nutrition. Sep 2010
(DOI : 10.1017/S0007114510003272)
Breakfast consumption and physical activity in British adolescents
Griffin SJ, Van Sluijs EM, Bamber D, Corder KL, Dunn V, Ekelund U, Goodyer IM, Steele RM, Stephen AM
British Journal of Nutrition. Sep 2010
(DOI : 10.1017/S0007114510003272)
den Hoed M, Ekelund U, Brage S, Grontved A, Zhao JH, Sharp SJ, Ong KK, Wareham NJ, Loos RJ
Diabetes. Aug 2010
(DOI : 10.2337/db10-0370)
Wilks DC, Sharp SJ, Ekelund U, Thompson SG, Mander AP, Turner RM, Jebb SA, Lindroos AK
PLoS ONE. Aug 2010
(DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0017205)
Ridgway CL, Brage S, Sharp SJ, Corder K, Westgate K, Van Sluijs EM, Goodyer IM, Hallal PC, Anderssen SA, Sardinha LB, Andersen LB, Ekelund U
PLoS ONE. Aug 2010
(DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0016125)
Steele RM, Van Sluijs EM, Sharp SJ, Landsbaugh JR, Ekelund U, Griffin SJ
The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity. Jul 2010
(DOI : 10.1186/1479-5868-7-88)
Owen CG, Nightingale CM, Rudnicka AR, Ekelund U, McMinn AM, Van Sluijs EM, Griffin SJ, Cook DG, Whincup PH
American Journal of Public Health. Jul 2010
(DOI : 10.2105/AJPH.2009.188193)
Wilks DC, Besson H, Lindroos AK, Ekelund U
Obesity reviews : an official journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity. Jul 2010
(DOI : 10.1111/j.1467-789X.2010.00775.x)
Wijndaele K, Brage S, Besson H, Khaw KT, Sharp SJ, Luben R, Wareham NJ, Ekelund U
International Journal of Epidemiology. Jun 2010
(DOI : 10.1093/ije/dyq105)
Assah FK, Ekelund U, Brage S, Wright A, Mbanya JC, Wareham NJ
International Journal of Epidemiology. Jun 2010
(DOI : 10.1093/ije/dyq098)
Association between birth weight and visceral fat in adults.
Rolfe Ede L, Loos RJ, Druet C, Stolk RP, Ekelund U, Griffin SJ, Forouhi NG, Wareham NJ, Ong KK
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Jun 2010
(DOI : 10.3945/ajcn.2010.29247)
Lee DC, Sui X, Ortega FB, Kim YS, Church TS, Winett RA, Ekelund U, Katzmarzyk PT, Blair SN
British Journal of Sports Medicine. Apr 2010
(DOI : 10.1136/bjsm.2009.066209)
Validity of a physical activity questionnaire in Shanghai.
Peters TM, Shu XO, Moore SC, Xiang YB, Yang G, Ekelund U, Liu DK, Tan YT, Ji BT, Schatzkin AS, Zheng W, Chow WH, Matthews CE, Leitzmann MF
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Apr 2010
(DOI : 10.1249/MSS.0b013e3181e1fcd5)
O'Donovan G, Blazevich AJ, Boreham C, Cooper AR, Crank H, Ekelund U, Fox KR, Gately P, Giles-Corti B, Gill JM, Hamer M, McDermott I, Murphy M, Mutrie N, Reilly JJ, Saxton JM, Stamatakis E
Journal of sports sciences. Apr 2010
(DOI : 10.1080/02640411003671212)
Warren JM, Ekelund U, Besson H, Mezzani A, Geladas N, Vanhees L
European journal of cardiovascular prevention and rehabilitation : official journal of the European Society of Cardiology, Working Groups on Epidemiology & Prevention and Cardiac Rehabilitation and Exercise Physiology. Mar 2010
(DOI : 10.1097/HJR.0b013e32832ed875)
Griffin SJ, Van Sluijs EM, Cook DG, Ekelund U, McMinn AM, Nightingale CM, Owen CG, Rudnicka AR, Whincup PH
American Journal of Public Health. Mar 2010
(DOI : 10.2105/AJPH.2009.188193)
Li S, Zhao JH, Luan J, Ekelund U, Luben RN, Khaw KT, Wareham NJ, Loos RJ
PLoS Medicine. Feb 2010
(DOI : 10.1371/journal.pmed.1000332)
Physical activity energy expenditure of adolescents in India.
Corder KL, Brage S, Wright A, Ramachandran A, Snehalatha C, Yamuna A, Wareham NJ, Ekelund U
Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.). Feb 2010
(DOI : 10.1038/oby.2010.4)
Vimaleswaran KS, Franks PW, Brage S, Grontved A, Wareham NJ, Ekelund U, Loos RJ
Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.). Feb 2010
(DOI : 10.1038/oby.2010.13)
Besson H, Harwood CA, Ekelund U, Finucane FM, McDermott CJ, Shaw PJ, Wareham NJ
The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity. Jan 2010
(DOI : 10.1186/1479-5868-7-54)
Adiposity measures as indicators of metabolic risk factors in adolescents.
Neovius M, Rossner SM, Vågstrand K, von Hausswolff-Juhlin YL, Hoffstedt J, Ekelund U
Obesity facts. Jan 2010
(DOI : 10.1159/000229308)
Owen CG, Nightingale CM, Rudnicka AR, Sattar N, Cook DG, Ekelund U, Whincup PH
Diabetologia. Jan 2010
(DOI : 10.1007/s00125-010-1781-1)
Besson H, Brage S, Jakes RW, Ekelund U, Wareham NJ
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Nov 2009
(DOI : 10.3945/ajcn.2009.28432)
Steele RM, Van Sluijs EM, Cassidy A, Griffin SJ, Ekelund U
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Sep 2009
(DOI : 10.3945/ajcn.2009.28153)
Kelliny C, Ekelund U, Andersen LB, Brage S, Loos RJ, Wareham NJ, Langenberg C
Diabetes. Sep 2009
(DOI : 10.2337/db09-0374)
Physical activity patterns measured by accelerometry in 6- to 10-yr-old children.
Nyberg GA, Nordenfelt AM, Ekelund U, Marcus C
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Sep 2009
(DOI : 10.1249/MSS.0b013e3181a48ee6)
Accelerometer-measured physical activity in Chinese adults.
Peters TM, Moore SC, Xiang YB, Yang G, Shu XO, Ekelund U, Ji BT, Tan YT, Liu DK, Schatzkin A, Zheng W, Chow WH, Matthews CE, Leitzmann MF
American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Aug 2009
(DOI : 10.1016/j.amepre.2010.02.012)
Finucane FM, Sharp SJ, Purslow LR, Horton K, Horton J, Savage DB, Brage S, Besson H, De Lucia Rolfe E, Sleigh A, Martin HJ, Aihie Sayer A, Cooper C, Ekelund U, Griffin SJ, Wareham NJ
Diabetologia. Aug 2009
(DOI : 10.1007/s00125-009-1641-z)
Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985). Jul 2009
(DOI : 10.1152/japplphysiol.00793.2009)
Vimaleswaran KS, Li S, Zhao JH, Luan J, Bingham SA, Khaw KT, Ekelund U, Wareham NJ, Loos RJ
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Jun 2009
(DOI : 10.3945/ajcn.2009.27652)
Peters TM, Moore SC, Gierach GL, Wareham NJ, Ekelund U, Hollenbeck AR, Schatzkin A, Leitzmann MF
BMC cancer. Jun 2009
(DOI : 10.1186/1471-2407-9-349)
A comparison of questionnaire, accelerometer, and pedometer: measures in older people.
Harris TJ, Owen CG, Victor CR, Adams R, Ekelund U, Cook DG
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Jun 2009
(DOI : 10.1249/MSS.0b013e31819b3533)
Helmerhorst HJ, Wijndaele K, Brage S, Wareham NJ, Ekelund U
Diabetes. May 2009
(DOI : 10.2337/db08-1773)
Birth size, infant weight gain, and motor development influence adult physical performance.
Ridgway CL, Ong KK, Tammelin T, Sharp SJ, Ekelund U, Järvelin MR
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. May 2009
(DOI : 10.1249/MSS.0b013e31819794ab)
Ridgway CL, Ong KK, Tammelin TH, Sharp SJ, Ekelund U, Järvelin MR
PLoS ONE. May 2009
(DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0006837)
Hemmingsson E, Uddén J, Neovius M, Ekelund U, Rössner S
International Journal of Obesity. May 2009
(DOI : 10.1038/ijo.2009.77)
Steele RM, Finucane FM, Simmons RK, Griffin SJ, Wareham NJ, Ekelund U
Diabetic medicine : a journal of the British Diabetic Association. Apr 2009
(DOI : 10.1111/j.1464-5491.2009.02689.x)
Owen CG, Nightingale CM, Rudnicka AR, Cook DG, Ekelund U, Whincup PH
International Journal of Epidemiology. Apr 2009
(DOI : 10.1093/ije/dyp176)
Perception versus reality awareness of physical activity levels of British children.
Corder K, Van Sluijs EM, McMinn AM, Ekelund U, Cassidy A, Griffin SJ
American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Apr 2009
(DOI : 10.1016/j.amepre.2009.08.025)
A 4-year, cluster-randomized, controlled childhood obesity prevention study: STOPP.
Marcus C, Nyberg G, Nordenfelt A, Karpmyr M, Kowalski J, Ekelund U
International Journal of Obesity. Mar 2009
(DOI : 10.1038/ijo.2009.38)
Finucane FM, Horton J, Purslow LR, Savage DB, Brage S, Besson H, Horton K, Rolfe Ede L, Sleigh A, Sharp SJ, Martin HJ, Sayer AA, Cooper C, Ekelund U, Griffin SJ, Wareham NJ
BMC endocrine disorders. Mar 2009
(DOI : 10.1186/1472-6823-9-15)
Ekelund U, Brage S, Griffin SJ, Wareham NJ
Diabetes care. Mar 2009
(DOI : 10.2337/dc08-1895)
Assah FK, Ekelund U, Brage S, Corder KL, Wright A, Mbanya JC, Wareham NJ
Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.). Feb 2009
(DOI : 10.1038/oby.2009.39)
Besson H, Ekelund U, Luan J, May AM, Sharp SJ, Travier N, Agudo A, Slimani N, Rinaldi S, Jenab M, Norat T, Mouw T, Rohrmann S, Kaaks R, Bergmann M, Boeing H, Clavel-Chapelon F, Boutron-Ruault MC, Overvad K, Andreasen EL, Johnsen NF, Halkjaer J, Gonzalez C, Rodriguez L, Sánchez MJ, Arriola L, Barricarte A, Navarro C, Key TJ, Spencer EA, Orfanos P, Naska A, Trichopoulou A, Manjer J, Wirfält E, Lund E, Palli D, Agnoli C, Vineis P, Panico S, Tumino R, Bueno-de-Mesquita HB, van den Berg SW, Odysseos AD, Riboli E, Wareham NJ, Peeters PH
International Journal of Obesity. Feb 2009
(DOI : 10.1038/ijo.2009.25)
Obesity is associated with altered lung function independently of physical activity and fitness.
Steele RM, Finucane FM, Griffin SJ, Wareham NJ, Ekelund U
Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.). Feb 2009
(DOI : 10.1038/oby.2008.584)
Vimaleswaran KS, Franks PW, Brage S, Sardinha LB, Andersen LB, Wareham NJ, Ekelund U, Loos RJ
Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.). Feb 2009
(DOI : 10.1038/oby.2008.650)
Corder KL, Van Sluijs EM, Wright A, Whincup P, Wareham NJ, Ekelund U
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Jan 2009
(DOI : 10.3945/ajcn.2008.26739)
Nilsson A, Andersen LB, Ommundsen Y, Froberg K, Sardinha LB, Piehl-Aulin K, Ekelund U
BMC Public Health. Jan 2009
(DOI : 10.1186/1471-2458-9-322)
Physical activity and postmenopausal breast cancer risk in the NIH-AARP diet and health study.
Peters TM, Schatzkin A, Gierach GL, Moore SC, Lacey JV, Wareham NJ, Ekelund U, Hollenbeck AR, Leitzmann MF
Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology. Jan 2009
(DOI : 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-08-0768)
Prevalence and correlates of the metabolic syndrome in a population-based sample of European youth.
Ekelund U, Anderssen S, Andersen LB, Riddoch CJ, Sardinha LB, Luan J, Froberg K, Brage S
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Dec 2008
(DOI : 10.3945/ajcn.2008.26649)
Assah FK, Ekelund U, Brage S, Mbanya JC, Wareham NJ
Diabetes care. Nov 2008
(DOI : 10.2337/dc08-1538)
Brito EC, Vimaleswaran KS, Brage S, Andersen LB, Sardinha LB, Wareham NJ, Ekelund U, Loos RJ, Franks PW
Diabetologia. Nov 2008
(DOI : 10.1007/s00125-009-1269-z)
Genetic variation in LIN28B is associated with the timing of puberty.
Ong KK, Elks CE, Li S, Zhao JH, Luan J, Andersen LB, Bingham SA, Brage S, Smith GD, Ekelund U, Gillson CJ, Glaser B, Golding J, Hardy R, Khaw KT, Kuh D, Luben R, Marcus M, McGeehin MA, Ness AR, Northstone K, Ring SM, Rubin C, Sims MA, Song K, Strachan DP, Vollenweider P, Waeber G, Waterworth DM, Wong A, Deloukas P, Barroso I, Mooser V, Loos RJ, Wareham NJ
Nature genetics. Oct 2008
(DOI : 10.1038/ng.382)
Relationship between subdomains of total physical activity and mortality.
Besson H, Ekelund U, Brage S, Luben R, Bingham S, Khaw KT, Wareham NJ
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Oct 2008
(DOI : 10.1249/MSS.0b013e318180bcad)
Time spent being sedentary and weight gain in healthy adults: reverse or bidirectional causality?
Ekelund U, Brage S, Besson H, Sharp SJ, Wareham NJ
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Sep 2008
(DOI : 10.1093/ajcn/88.3.612)
Objectively measured physical activity and bone strength in 9-year-old boys and girls.
Sardinha LB, Baptista F, Ekelund U
Pediatrics. Sep 2008
(DOI : 10.1542/peds.2007-2573)
Correlates of leisure-time physical activity differ by body-mass-index status in Brazilian adults.
Hallal PC, Reichert FF, Siqueira FV, Dumith SC, Bastos JP, da Silva MC, Domingues MR, Azevedo MR, Ekelund U
Journal of Physical Activity and Health. Jul 2008
Assessment of physical activity in youth.
Corder KL, Ekelund U, Steele RM, Wareham NJ, Brage S
Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985). Jul 2008
(DOI : 10.1152/japplphysiol.00094.2008)
Van Sluijs EM, Skidmore PM, Mwanza K, Jones AP, Callaghan AM, Ekelund U, Harrison F, Harvey I, Panter J, Wareham NJ, Cassidy A, Griffin SJ
BMC Public Health. Jun 2008
(DOI : 10.1186/1471-2458-8-388)
Archives of Disease in Childhood. May 2008
(DOI : 10.1136/adc.2007.135202)
Impact of social support intensity on walking in the severely obese: a randomized clinical trial.
Hemmingsson E, Hellenius ML, Ekelund U, Bergstrom J, Rössner S
Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.). Apr 2008
(DOI : 10.1038/oby.2008.204)
Physical activity, cardiorespiratory fitness, and the metabolic syndrome in youth.
Steele RM, Brage S, Corder KL, Wareham NJ, Ekelund U
Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985). Mar 2008
(DOI : 10.1152/japplphysiol.00072.2008)
Nilsson A, Anderssen SA, Andersen LB, Froberg K, Riddoch C, Sardinha LB, Ekelund U
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports. Feb 2008
(DOI : 10.1111/j.1600-0838.2007.00762.x)
Physical activity in children measured by accelerometry: stability over time.
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports. Feb 2008
(DOI : 10.1111/j.1600-0838.2007.00756.x)
Vimaleswaran KS, Franks PW, Barroso I, Brage S, Ekelund U, Wareham NJ, Loos RJ
American journal of hypertension. Feb 2008
(DOI : 10.1038/ajh.2007.69)
Assah FK, Brage S, Ekelund U, Wareham NJ
Diabetologia. Feb 2008
(DOI : 10.1007/s00125-008-1033-9)
Comparison of equations for predicting energy expenditure from accelerometer counts in children.
Nilsson A, Brage S, Riddoch C, Anderssen SA, Sardinha LB, Wedderkopp N, Andersen LB, Ekelund U
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports. Jan 2008
(DOI : 10.1111/j.1600-0838.2007.00694.x)
Kinmonth AL, Wareham NJ, Hardeman W, Sutton S, Prevost AT, Fanshawe T, Williams KM, Ekelund U, Spiegelhalter D, Griffin SJ
Lancet (London, England). Jan 2008
(DOI : 10.1016/S0140-6736(08)60070-7)
Physical activity and mammographic breast density in the EPIC-Norfolk cohort study.
Peters TM, Ekelund U, Leitzmann M, Easton D, Warren R, Luben R, Bingham S, Khaw KT, Wareham NJ
American Journal of Epidemiology. Dec 2007
(DOI : 10.1093/aje/kwm350)
Sardinha LB, Andersen LB, Anderssen SA, Quitério AL, Ornelas R, Froberg K, Riddoch CJ, Ekelund U
Diabetes care. Dec 2007
(DOI : 10.2337/dc07-1286)
Comparison of two methods to assess PAEE during six activities in children.
Corder KL, Brage S, Mattocks C, Ness A, Riddoch C, Wareham NJ, Ekelund U
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Nov 2007
(DOI : 10.1249/mss.0b013e318150dff8)
Simmons RK, Griffin SJ, Steele R, Wareham NJ, Ekelund U
Diabetologia. Oct 2007
(DOI : 10.1007/s00125-008-0949-4)
Corder KL, Brage S, Ramachandran A, Snehalatha C, Wareham NJ, Ekelund U
Journal of sports sciences. Sep 2007
(DOI : 10.1080/02640410701283841)
Accelerometers and pedometers: methodology and clinical application.
Current opinion in clinical nutrition and metabolic care. Aug 2007
(DOI : 10.1097/MCO.0b013e328285d883)
Physical activity and sedentary behaviors among Finnish youth.
Tammelin T, Ekelund U, Remes J, Näyhä S
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Jun 2007
(DOI : 10.1249/mss.0b13e318058a603)
Ekelund U, Franks PW, Sharp SJ, Brage S, Wareham NJ
Diabetes care. May 2007
(DOI : 10.2337/dc07-0719)
Ekelund U, Anderssen SA, Froberg K, Sardinha LB, Andersen LB, Brage S
Diabetologia. May 2007
(DOI : 10.1007/s00125-007-0762-5)
Brage S, Ekelund U, Brage N, Hennings MA, Froberg K, Franks PW, Wareham NJ
Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985). Apr 2007
(DOI : 10.1152/japplphysiol.00092.2006)
Holt HB, Wild SH, Wareham NJ, Ekelund U, Umpleby M, Shojaee-Moradie F, Holt RI, Phillips DI, Byrne CD
Diabetologia. Feb 2007
(DOI : 10.1007/s00125-007-0705-1)
Physical activity and metabolic risk in individuals with a family history of type 2 diabetes.
Ekelund U, Griffin SJ, Wareham NJ
Diabetes care. Jan 2007
(DOI : 10.2337/dc06-1883)
Franks PW, Loos RJ, Brage S, O'Rahilly S, Wareham NJ, Ekelund U
Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985). Jan 2007
(DOI : 10.1152/japplphysiol.01022.2006)
Brage S, Andersen LB, anderssen-sa Anderssen SA, Ekelund U, Froberg K, Riddoch C, Sardinha LB, Harro M
PLoS Medicine. Dec 2006
(DOI : 10.1371/journal.pmed.0030488)
PPARGC1A coding variation may initiate impaired NEFA clearance during glucose challenge.
Franks PW, Ekelund U, Brage S, Luan J, Schafer AJ, O'Rahilly S, Barroso I, Wareham NJ
Diabetologia. Oct 2006
(DOI : 10.1007/s00125-006-0580-1)
Association of weight gain in infancy and early childhood with metabolic risk in young adults.
Ekelund U, Ong KK, Linné Y, Neovius M, Brage S, Dunger DB, Wareham NJ, Rössner S
The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. Oct 2006
(DOI : 10.1210/jc.2006-1071)
Is the association between physical activity and body mass index obesity dependent?
International Journal of Obesity (London). Sep 2006
(DOI : 10.1038/sj.ijo.0803458)
Andersen LB, Harro M, Sardinha LB, Froberg K, Ekelund U, Brage S, Anderssen SA
Lancet (London, England). Jul 2006
(DOI : 10.1016/S0140-6736(06)69075-2)
Temporal trends in physical activity in England: the Health Survey for England 1991 to 2004.
Stamatakis E, Ekelund U, Wareham NJ
Preventive Medicine . Jul 2006
(DOI : 10.1016/j.ypmed.2006.12.014)
Dietary fat intake predicts 1-year change in body fat in adolescent girls with type 1 diabetes.
Diabetes care. May 2006
(DOI : 10.2337/dc05-2318)
Does physical activity equally predict gain in fat mass among obese and nonobese young adults?
Ekelund U, Särnblad S, Brage S, Ryberg J, Wareham NJ, Åman J
International Journal of Obesity. May 2006
(DOI : 10.1038/sj.ijo.0803361)
Comparison of two methods of measuring physical activity in South African older adults.
Kolbe-Alexander TL, Lambert EV, Harkins JB, Ekelund U
Journal of Aging and Physical Activity. May 2006
Ekelund U, Sepp H, Brage S, Becker W, Jakes R, Hennings M, Wareham NJ
Public Health Nutrition. Mar 2006
(DOI : S1368980006000462)
Ekelund U, Ong K, Linné Y, Neovius M, Brage S, Dunger DB, Wareham NJ, Rössner S
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Feb 2006
(DOI : 10.1093/ajcn/83.2.324)
Ekelund U, Neovius M, Linné Y, Rössner S
International Journal of Obesity. Jan 2006
(DOI : 10.1038/sj.ijo.0803207)
Brage S, Wareham NJ, Ekelund U, Brage N, Luan J, Franks PW, Froberg K
International Journal of Epidemiology. Dec 2005
(DOI : 10.1007/s00421-005-0112-6)
Comparison of PAEE from combined and separate heart rate and movement models in children.
Corder K, Brage S, Wareham NJ, Ekelund U
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Nov 2005
(DOI : 10.1249/
Physical activity and obesity prevention: a review of the current evidence.
Wareham NJ, Van Sluijs EM, Ekelund U
The Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. Jun 2005
(DOI : 10.1079/pns2005423)