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BMJ Open. Jan 2025
(DOI : 10.1136/bmjopen-2024-088338)
Mant J, Modi RN, Dymond A, Armstrong N, Burt J, Calvert P, Cowie M, Ding WY, Edwards D, Freedman B, Griffin SJ, Hoare S, Hobbs FDR, Johnson R, Kaptoge S, Lip GYH, Lobban T, Lown M, Lund J, McManus RJ, Mills MT, Morris S, Powell A, Proietti R, Sutton S, Sweeting M, Thom H, Williams K, SAFER author group SAFER author group
BMJ Open. Apr 2024
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Williams K, Modi RN, Dymond A, Hoare S, Powell A, Burt J, Edwards D, Lund J, Johnson R, Lobban T, Lown M, Sweeting MJ, Thom H, Kaptoge S, Fusco F, Morris S, Lip G, Armstrong N, Cowie MR, Fitzmaurice DA, Freedman B, Griffin SJ, Sutton S, Hobbs FR, McManus RJ, Mant J, Safer Authorship Group T
BMJ Open. Jan 2023
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Khunti K, Griffin S, Brennan A, Dallosso H, Davies M, Eborall H, Edwardson C, Gray L, Hardeman W, Heathcote L, Henson J, Morton K, Pollard D, Sharp S, Sutton S, Troughton J, Yates T
Health technology assessment (Winchester, England). Jan 2022
(DOI : 10.3310/hta25770)
Khunti K, Griffin S, Brennan A, Dallosso H, Davies MJ, Eborall HC, Edwardson CL, Gray LJ, Hardeman W, Heathcote L, Henson J, Pollard D, Sharp SJ, Sutton S, Troughton J, Yates T
BMC medicine. Mar 2021
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Kassavou A, Mirzaei V, Shpendi S, Brimicombe J, Chauhan J, Bhattacharya D, Naughton F, Hardeman W, Eborall H, Van Emmenis M, De Simoni A, Takhar A, Gupta P, Patel P, Mascolo C, Prevost AT, Morris S, Griffin S, McManus RJ, Mant J, Sutton S
Scientific reports. Aug 2020
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Mills K, Paxton B, Walter FM, Griffin SJ, Sutton S, Usher-Smith JA
BMC Public Health. Apr 2020
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Mills K, Griffin SJ, Sutton S, Usher-Smith JA
Primary health care research & development. Jan 2020
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Effectiveness of Minimal Contact Interventions: An RCT.
Hajna S, Sharp SJ, Cooper AJM, Williams KM, van Sluijs EMF, Brage S, Griffin SJ, Sutton S
American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Dec 2019
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Masson G, Mills K, Griffin SJ, Sharp SJ, Klein WMP, Sutton S, Usher-Smith JA
Preventive medicine. Sep 2019
(DOI : 10.1016/j.ypmed.2020.106154)
Hardeman W, Mitchell J, Pears S, Van Emmenis M, Theil F, Gc VS, Vasconcelos JC, Westgate K, Brage S, Suhrcke M, Griffin SJ, Kinmonth AL, Wilson ECF, Prevost AT, Sutton S, VBI Research Team
PLoS Medicine. Aug 2019
(DOI : 10.1371/journal.pmed.1003046)
Bayne M, Fairey M, Silarova B, Griffin SJ, Sharp SJ, Klein WMP, Sutton S, Usher-Smith JA
Patient education and counseling. Apr 2019
(DOI : 10.1016/j.pec.2019.08.010)
Kassavou A, Houghton V, Edwards S, Brimicombe J, Wilson E, Griffin SJ, Sutton S
Journal of health psychology. Dec 2018
(DOI : 10.1177/1359105318819051)
Usher-Smith JA, Masson G, Mills K, Sharp SJ, Sutton S, Klein WMP, Griffin SJ
BMC Public Health. Jun 2018
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Biddle GJH, Edwardson CL, Rowlands AV, Davies MJ, Bodicoat DH, Hardeman W, Eborall H, Sutton S, Griffin SJ, Khunti K, Yates T
BMC Public Health. Mar 2018
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Attwood S, Morton KL, Sutton S
Journal of public health (Oxford, England). Oct 2016
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Godino JG, Van Sluijs EM, Marteau TM, Sutton S, Sharp SJ, Griffin SJ
PLoS Medicine. Jul 2016
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Reasons for non-participation in a primary care-based physical activity trial: a qualitative study.
Attwood S, Morton KL, Mitchell J, Van Emmenis M, Sutton S
BMJ Open. May 2016
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Farmer AJ, Oke J, Hardeman W, Tucker L, Sutton S, Kinmonth AL, Griffin SJ, Holman RR
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. Apr 2016
(DOI : 10.1016/j.diabres.2016.07.004)
Hollands GJ, French DP, Griffin SJ, Prevost AT, Sutton S, King S, Marteau TM
BMJ (Clinical research ed.). Mar 2016
(DOI : 10.1136/bmj.i1102)
Pears S, Bijker M, Morton KL, Vasconcelos J, Parker RA, Westgate K, Brage S, Wilson E, Prevost AT, Kinmonth AL, Griffin SJ, Sutton S, Hardeman W
BMC Public Health. Feb 2016
(DOI : 10.1186/s12889-016-3684-7)
Attwood S, van Sluijs E, Sutton S
The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity. Nov 2015
(DOI : 10.1186/s12966-016-0384-8)
Morton KL, Sutton S, Hardeman W, Troughton J, Yates T, Griffin SJ, Davies M, Khunti K, Eborall H
JMIR mHealth and uHealth. Aug 2015
(DOI : 10.2196/mhealth.5026)
Vasiljevic M, Ng YL, Griffin SJ, Sutton S, Marteau TM
British journal of health psychology. May 2015
(DOI : 10.1111/bjhp.12152)
Cooper AJ, Dearnley K, Williams KM, Sharp SJ, Van Sluijs EM, Brage S, Sutton S, Griffin SJ
BMC Public Health. Mar 2015
(DOI : 10.1186/s12889-015-1654-0)
Yates T, Griffin S, Bodicoat DH, Brierly G, Dallosso H, Davies MJ, Eborall H, Edwardson C, Gillett M, Gray L, Hardeman W, Hill S, Morton KL, Sutton S, Troughton J, Khunti K
Trials. Mar 2015
(DOI : 10.1186/s13063-015-0813-z)
Hankonen N, Sutton S, Prevost AT, Simmons RK, Griffin SJ, Kinmonth AL, Hardeman W
Annals of behavioral medicine : a publication of the Society of Behavioral Medicine. May 2014
(DOI : 10.1007/s12160-014-9624-9)
Sutton S, Kinmonth AL, Hardeman W, Hughes D, Boase S, Prevost AT, Kellar I, Graffy J, Griffin SJ, Farmer A
Annals of behavioral medicine : a publication of the Society of Behavioral Medicine. Feb 2014
(DOI : 10.1007/s12160-014-9595-x)
Godino JG, Van Sluijs EM, Sutton S, Griffin SJ
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. Feb 2014
(DOI : 10.1016/j.diabres.2014.10.004)
Godino JG, Watkinson C, Corder KL, Sutton S, Griffin SJ, Van Sluijs EM
BMC Public Health. Feb 2014
(DOI : 10.1186/1471-2458-14-421)
Griffin SJ, Simmons RK, Prevost AT, Williams KM, Hardeman W, Sutton S, Brage S, Ekelund U, Parker RA, Wareham NJ, Kinmonth AL
Diabetologia. Dec 2013
(DOI : 10.1007/s00125-014-3236-6)
Godino JG, Watkinson C, Corder KL, Marteau TM, Sutton S, Sharp SJ, Griffin SJ, Van Sluijs EM
PLoS ONE. May 2013
(DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0075398)
Kuznetsov L, Simmons RK, Sutton S, Kinmonth AL, Griffin SJ, Hardeman W
The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity. Mar 2013
(DOI : 10.1186/1479-5868-10-118)
Long GH, Brage S, Wareham NJ, Van Sluijs EM, Sutton S, Griffin SJ, Simmons RK
BMC Public Health. Jan 2013
(DOI : 10.1186/1471-2458-13-678)
Godino JG, Van Sluijs EM, Marteau TM, Sutton S, Sharp SJ, Griffin SJ
BMC Public Health. May 2012
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Farmer A, Hardeman W, Hughes D, Prevost AT, Kim Y, Craven A, Oke J, Boase S, Selwood M, Kellar I, Graffy J, Griffin SJ, Sutton S, Kinmonth AL
BMC family practice. Nov 2011
(DOI : 10.1186/1471-2296-13-30)
Nagrebetsky A, Griffin SJ, Kinmonth AL, Sutton S, Craven A, Farmer A
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. Sep 2011
(DOI : 10.1016/j.diabres.2011.12.003)
Hardeman W, Michie S, Kinmonth AL, Sutton S, ProActive Study Group
Psychology & health. Apr 2011
(DOI : 10.1080/08870446.2010.512662)
Adherence to hypoglycaemic medication among people with type 2 diabetes in primary care.
White AJ, Kellar I, Prevost AT, Kinmonth AL, Sutton S, Canny M, Griffin SJ
Primary care diabetes. Mar 2011
(DOI : 10.1016/j.pcd.2011.07.004)
Griffin SJ, Simmons RK, Williams KM, Prevost AT, Hardeman W, Grant J, Whittle F, Boase S, Hobbis I, Brage S, Westgate K, Fanshawe T, Sutton S, Wareham NJ, Kinmonth AL
BMC Public Health. Mar 2011
(DOI : 10.1186/1471-2458-11-211)
Paddison CA, Eborall HC, French DP, Kinmonth AL, Prevost AT, Griffin SJ, Sutton S
British journal of health psychology. Jan 2011
(DOI : 10.1348/135910710X495366)
Hardeman W, Kinmonth AL, Michie S, Sutton S
British journal of health psychology. Jan 2011
(DOI : 10.1348/135910710X523481)
Effects of communicating DNA-based disease risk estimates on risk-reducing behaviours.
Marteau TM, French DP, Griffin SJ, Prevost AT, Sutton S, Watkinson C, Attwood S, Hollands GJ
The Cochrane database of systematic reviews. Oct 2010
(DOI : 10.1002/14651858.CD007275.pub2)
Mann E, Kellar I, Sutton S, Kinmonth AL, Hankins M, Griffin SJ, Marteau TM
BMC Public Health. Jul 2010
(DOI : 10.1186/1471-2458-10-768)
Marteau TM, Mann E, Prevost AT, Vasconcelos JC, Kellar I, Sanderson S, Parker M, Griffin SJ, Sutton S, Kinmonth AL
BMJ (Clinical research ed.). May 2010
(DOI : 10.1136/bmj.c2138)
Overestimation of physical activity level is associated with lower BMI: a cross-sectional analysis.
Watkinson C, Van Sluijs EM, Sutton S, Hardeman W, Corder KL, Griffin SJ
The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity. Apr 2010
(DOI : 10.1186/1479-5868-7-68)
Watkinson C, Van Sluijs EM, Sutton S, Marteau T, Griffin SJ
BMC Public Health. Feb 2010
(DOI : 10.1186/1471-2458-10-144)
Paddison CA, Eborall HC, Sutton S, French DP, Vasconcelos J, Prevost AT, Kinmonth AL, Griffin SJ
BMJ (Clinical research ed.). Dec 2009
(DOI : 10.1136/bmj.b4535)
Simmons RK, Van Sluijs EM, Hardeman W, Sutton S, Griffin SJ, ProActive project team ProActive project team
BMC Public Health. Aug 2009
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Mann E, Prevost AT, Griffin SJ, Kellar I, Sutton S, Parker M, Sanderson S, Kinmonth AL, Marteau TM
BMC Public Health. Dec 2008
(DOI : 10.1186/1471-2458-9-63)
Farmer AJ, Prevost AT, Hardeman W, Craven A, Sutton S, Griffin SJ, Kinmonth AL
BMC family practice. Mar 2008
(DOI : 10.1186/1471-2296-9-20)
Prevost AT, Mason D, Griffin SJ, Kinmonth AL, Sutton S, Spiegelhalter D
Psychological methods. Jan 2008
(DOI : 10.1037/1082-989X.12.4.434)
Kinmonth AL, Wareham NJ, Hardeman W, Sutton S, Prevost AT, Fanshawe T, Williams KM, Ekelund U, Spiegelhalter D, Griffin SJ
Lancet (London, England). Jan 2008
(DOI : 10.1016/S0140-6736(08)60070-7)
Eborall HC, Griffin SJ, Prevost AT, Kinmonth AL, French DP, Sutton S
BMJ (Clinical research ed.). Sep 2007
(DOI : 10.1136/bmj.39303.723449.55)
French DP, Eborall H, Griffin SJ, Kinmonth AL, Prevost AT, Sutton S
Journal of clinical epidemiology. May 2007
(DOI : 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2008.02.015)
Evaluation of an informed choice invitation for type 2 diabetes screening.
Kellar I, Sutton S, Griffin SJ, Prevost AT, Kinmonth AL, Marteau TM
Patient education and counseling. May 2007
(DOI : 10.1016/j.pec.2008.04.005)