International Olympic Committee consensus statement on the health and fitness of young people through physical activity and sport
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2011
Van Sluijs EM, Andersen LB, Armstrong N, Bedenbeck HP, Biddle SJ, Boreham C, Ekelund U, Engebretsen L, Hardman K, Hills A, Kahlmeier S, Kriemler S, Lambert E, Ljungqvist A, Matsudo V, McKay H, Micheli L, Mountjoy M, Pate R, Riddoch C, Schamasch P, Sundberg CJ, van Mechelen W
DOI : 10.1136/bjsports-2011-090228
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) recognises the health and fitness benefits of physical activity (PA) and sport as stated in recommendation #51 from the Olympic Movement in Society Congress held in Copenhagen, 2009: "Everyone involved in the Olympic Movement must become more aware of the fundamental importance of Physical Activity and sport for a healthy lifestyle, not least in the growing battle against obesity, and must reach out to parents and schools as part of a strategy to counter the rising inactivity of young people.1" The IOC assembled an expert group (January 2011) to discuss the role of PA and sport on the health and fitness of young people and to critically evaluate the scientific evidence as a basis for decision making. Specifically, the purpose of this consensus paper is to identify potential solutions through collaboration between sport and existing programmes and to review the research gaps in this field. The ultimate aim of the paper is to provide recommendations for young people's sport and PA stakeholders.