Mueller J, Breeze P, Fusco F, Sharp SJ, Pidd K, Brennan A, Hill AJ, Morris S, Hughes CA, Bates SE, Pollard D, Woolston J, Lachassseigne E, Stubbings M, Whittle F, Jones RA, Boothby CE, Duschinsky R, Bostock J, Islam N, Griffin SJ, Ahern AL, Ahern A
Diabetologia. Jan 2025
(DOI : 10.1007/s00125-024-06355-6)
Tang H, Spreckley M, van Sluijs E, Ahern AL, Smith AD
BMJ Open. Apr 2024
(DOI : 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-083465)
Yin R, Ahern AL, Lafortune L, Griffin SJ, Strelitz JM, Mueller J
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. Mar 2024
(DOI : 10.1016/j.diabres.2024.111607)
Mueller J, Ahern AL, Jones RA, Sharp SJ, Davies A, Zuckerman A, Perry BI, Khandaker GM, Rolfe EL, Wareham NJ, Rennie KL
PLoS ONE. Jan 2024
(DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0295117)
Kudlek L, Mueller J, Eustachio Colombo P, Sharp SJ, Griffin SJ, Ahern AL
BMJ Open. Dec 2023
(DOI : 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-076411)
Kudlek L, Jones RA, Hughes C, Duschinsky R, Hill A, Richards R, Thompson M, Vincent A, Griffin SJ, Ahern AL
Appetite. Nov 2023
(DOI : 10.1016/j.appet.2023.107138)
Kusinski LC, Richards R, Jones DL, Turner E, Hughes DJ, Dyson P, Ahern AL, Meek CL
The British journal of nutrition. Aug 2023
(DOI : 10.1017/S0007114523001666)
Jebeile H, Lister NB, Libesman S, Hunter KE, McMaster CM, Johnson BJ, Baur LA, Paxton SJ, Garnett SP, Ahern AL, Wilfley DE, Maguire S, Sainsbury A, Steinbeck K, Askie L, Braet C, Hill AJ, Nicholls D, Jones RA, Dammery G, Grunseit AM, Cooper K, Kyle TK, Heeren FA, Quigley F, Barnes RD, Bean MK, Beaulieu K, Bonham M, Boutelle KN, Branco BHM, Calugi S, Cardel MI, Carpenter K, Cheng HL, Dalle Grave R, Danielsen YS, Demarzo M, Dordevic A, Eichen DM, Goldschmidt AB, Hilbert A, Houben K, Lofrano do Prado M, Martin CK, McTiernan A, Mensinger JL, Pacanowski C, do Prado WL, Ramalho SM, Raynor HA, Rieger E, Robinson E, Salvo V, Sherwood NE, Simpson SA, Skjakodegard HF, Smith E, Partridge S, Tanofsky-Kraff M, Taylor RW, Van Eyck A, Varady KA, Vidmar AP, Whitelock V, Yanovski J, Seidler AL, Eating Disorders In weight-related Therapy (EDIT) Collaboration Eating Disorders In weight-related Therapy (EDIT) Collaboration
PLoS ONE. Jul 2023
(DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0282401)
Randle M, Ahern AL, Boyland E, Christiansen P, Halford JCG, Stevenson-Smith J, Roberts C
Obesity reviews : an official journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity. Jul 2023
(DOI : 10.1111/obr.13596)
Preventing type 2 diabetes: A research agenda for behavioural science.
French DP, Ahern AL, Greaves CJ, Hawkes RE, Higgs S, Pechey R, Sniehotta FF
Diabetic medicine : a journal of the British Diabetic Association. May 2023
(DOI : 10.1111/dme.15147)
Jebeile H, Libesman S, Melville H, Low-Wah T, Dammery G, Seidler AL, Jones RA, McMaster CM, Paxton SJ, Hill AJ, Ahern AL, Garnett SP, Braet C, Wilfley DE, Baur LA, Lister NB
Obesity reviews : an official journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity. Mar 2023
(DOI : 10.1111/obr.13561)
Eating Disorders In weight-related Therapy (EDIT) Collaboration: Rationale and study design.
Lister NB, Baur LA, Paxton SJ, Garnett SP, Ahern AL, Wilfley D, Maguire S, Sainsbury A, Steinbeck K, Braet C, Hill A, Nicholls D, Jones RA, Dammery G, Grunseit A, Cooper K, Kyle TK, Heeren FN, Hunter KE, McMaster CM, Johnson BJ, Seidler AL, Jebeile H
Nutrition research reviews. Feb 2023
(DOI : 10.1017/S0954422423000045)
McMaster CM, Paxton SJ, Maguire S, Hill AJ, Braet C, Seidler AL, Nicholls D, Garnett SP, Ahern AL, Wilfley DE, Lister NB, Jebeile H
The International journal of eating disorders. Jan 2023
(DOI : 10.1002/eat.23898)
Birch JM, Mueller J, Sharp SJ, Griffin SJ, Kelly MP, Halford JCG, Ahern AL
Obesity facts. Dec 2022
(DOI : 10.1159/000528135)
Mueller J, Richards R, Jones RA, Whittle F, Woolston J, Stubbings M, Sharp SJ, Griffin SJ, Bostock J, Hughes CA, Hill AJ, Boothby CE, Ahern AL
International journal of obesity (2005). Nov 2022
(DOI : 10.1038/s41366-022-01232-x)
Jones RA, Mueller J, Sharp SJ, Griffin SJ, Ahern AL
Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.). Oct 2022
(DOI : 10.1002/oby.23570)
Ahern AL, Breeze PR, Fusco F, Sharp SJ, Islam N, Wheeler G, Hill AJ, Hughes CA, Duschinsky R, Thomas C, Bates S, Woolston J, Stubbings M, Whittle F, Boothby C, Bostock J, Jebb SA, Aveyard P, Boyland EJ, Halford JCG, Morris S, Brennan A, Griffin SJ
The Lancet Public Health. Oct 2022
(DOI : 10.1016/S2468-2667(22)00226-2)
Jones RA, Christiansen P, Maloney NG, Duckworth JJ, Hugh-Jones S, Ahern AL, Richards R, Brown A, Flint SW, Robinson E, Bryant S, Halford JCG, Hardman CA
International journal of obesity (2005). Sep 2022
(DOI : 10.1038/s41366-022-01220-1)
Jones RA, Richards R, Palat R, Hughes C, Hill AJ, Vincent A, Griffin SJ, Ahern AL, Duschinsky R
International journal of qualitative studies on health and well-being. Sep 2022
(DOI : 10.1080/17482631.2022.2123093)
Ahern AL, Richards R, Jones RA, Whittle F, Mueller J, Woolston J, Sharp SJ, Hughes CA, Hill AJ, Duschinsky R, Lawlor ER, Morris S, Fusco F, Brennan A, Bostock J, Griffin SJ
BMJ Open. Apr 2022
(DOI : 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-058103)
Jones RA, Mueller J, Sharp SJ, Duschinsky R, Griffin SJ, Ahern AL
Obesity facts. Apr 2022
(DOI : 10.1159/000522083)
Birch JM, Jones RA, Mueller J, McDonald MD, Richards R, Kelly MP, Griffin SJ, Ahern AL
Obesity reviews : an official journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity. Mar 2022
(DOI : 10.1111/obr.13438)
Mueller J, Ahern AL, Sharp SJ, Richards R, Birch JM, Davies A, Griffin SJ
BMJ Open. Feb 2022
(DOI : 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-056293)
Jones RA, Mueller J, Sharp SJ, Vincent A, Duschinsky R, Griffin SJ, Ahern AL
The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity. Nov 2021
(DOI : 10.1186/s12966-021-01216-6)
Mueller J, Richards R, Jones RA, Whittle F, Woolston J, Stubbings M, Sharp SJ, Griffin SJ, Bostock J, Hughes CA, Hill AJ, Ahern AL
Obesity facts. Sep 2021
(DOI : 10.1159/000524031)
Richards R, Jones RA, Whittle F, Hughes CA, Hill AJ, Lawlor ER, Bostock J, Bates S, Breeze PR, Brennan A, Thomas CV, Stubbings M, Woolston J, Griffin SJ, Ahern AL
JMIR formative research. Jul 2021
(DOI : 10.2196/31801)
Estlin AFL, Ahern AL, Griffin SJ, Strelitz J
Diabetic medicine : a journal of the British Diabetic Association. Jul 2021
(DOI : 10.1111/dme.14646)
Hughes CA, Ahern AL, Kasetty H, McGowan BM, Parretti HM, Vincent A, Halford JCG
BMJ Open. Jul 2021
(DOI : 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-045616)
Strelitz J, Lawlor ER, Wu Y, Estlin A, Nandakumar G, Ahern AL, Griffin SJ
Diabetologia. May 2021
(DOI : 10.1007/s00125-021-05605-1)
Mechanisms of Action in a Behavioral Weight-Management Program: Latent Growth Curve Analysis.
Bates S, Norman P, Breeze P, Brennan A, Ahern AL
Annals of behavioral medicine : a publication of the Society of Behavioral Medicine. Apr 2021
(DOI : 10.1093/abm/kaab019)
Bates SE, Thomas C, Islam N, Ahern AL, Breeze P, Griffin S, Brennan A
BMC Public Health. Mar 2021
(DOI : 10.1186/s12889-022-12737-5)
Jones RA, Lawlor ER, Birch JM, Patel MI, Werneck AO, Hoare E, Griffin SJ, van Sluijs EMF, Sharp SJ, Ahern AL
Obesity reviews : an official journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity. Oct 2020
(DOI : 10.1111/obr.13150)
Associations between hedonic hunger and BMI during a two-year behavioural weight loss trial.
Mead BR, Boyland EJ, Christiansen P, Halford JCG, Jebb SA, Ahern AL
PLoS ONE. Jun 2020
(DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0252110)
Ahern AL, Woolston J, Wells E, Sharp SJ, Islam N, Lawlor ER, Duschinsky R, Hill AJ, Doble B, Wilson E, Morris S, Hughes CA, Brennan A, Bostock J, Boothby C, Griffin SJ
BMJ Open. May 2020
(DOI : 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-035020)
Ahern AL, Griffin SJ, Wheeler GM, Sharp SJ, Aveyard P, Boyland EJ, Halford JCG, Jebb SA
Diabetes, obesity & metabolism. Mar 2020
(DOI : 10.1111/dom.14123)
Lawlor ER, Hughes CA, Duschinsky R, Pountain GD, Hill AJ, Griffin SJ, Ahern AL
Clinical obesity. Feb 2020
(DOI : 10.1111/cob.12395)
Jones RA, Lawlor ER, Griffin SJ, van Sluijs EMF, Ahern AL
BMJ Open. Jan 2020
(DOI : 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-031857)
Piernas C, MacLean F, Aveyard P, Ahern AL, Woolston J, Boyland EJ, Halford JCG, Jebb SA
Obesity facts. Jan 2020
(DOI : 10.1159/000509131)
Lawlor ER, Islam N, Bates S, Griffin SJ, Hill AJ, Hughes CA, Sharp SJ, Ahern AL
Obesity reviews : an official journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity. Oct 2019
(DOI : 10.1111/obr.13013)
Clifton EAD, Ahern AL, Day FR, Sharp SJ, Griffin SJ, Ong KK, Rajalakshmi Lakshman
Appetite. Oct 2019
(DOI : 10.1016/j.appet.2021.105124)
Strelitz J, Ahern AL, Long GH, Boothby CE, Wareham NJ, Griffin SJ
Cardiovascular diabetology. May 2019
(DOI : 10.1186/s12933-019-0902-5)
Strelitz J, Ahern AL, Long GH, Hare MJL, Irving G, Boothby CE, Wareham NJ, Griffin SJ
Diabetologia. Dec 2018
(DOI : 10.1007/s00125-019-4886-1)
Lawlor ER, Islam N, Griffin SJ, Hill AJ, Hughes CA, Ahern AL
BMJ Open. Aug 2018
(DOI : 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-023425)
Ambrosini GL, Solis-Trapala I, Ahern AL, Fuller NR, Holzapfel C, Hauner H, Caterson ID, Jebb SA
Nutrition journal. Feb 2018
(DOI : 10.1186/s12937-018-0370-x)
Feldman AL, Griffin SJ, Ahern AL, Long GH, Weinehall L, Fhärm E, Norberg M, Wennberg P
BMC Public Health. Sep 2016
(DOI : 10.1186/s12889-017-4081-6)
Ahern AL, Wheeler GM, Aveyard P, Boyland EJ, Halford JCG, Mander AP, Woolston J, Thomson AM, Tsiountsioura M, Cole D, Mead BR, Irvine L, Turner D, Suhrcke M, Pimpin L, Retat L, Jaccard A, Webber L, Cohn SR, Jebb SA
Lancet (London, England). Jan 2016
(DOI : 10.1016/S0140-6736(17)30647-5)
Ahern AL, Aveyard P, Boyland EJ, Halford JC, Jebb SA, WRAP trial team WRAP trial team
The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners. Jun 2015
(DOI : 10.3399/bjgp16X684337)
Experiences of a commercial weight-loss programme after primary care referral: a qualitative study.
The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners. Apr 2015
(DOI : 10.3399/bjgp15X684409)
Priming healthy eating. You can't prime all the people all of the time.
Forwood SE, Ahern AL, Hollands GJ, Ng YL, Marteau TM
Appetite. Sep 2014
(DOI : 10.1016/j.appet.2015.01.018)
Ahern AL, Aveyard PN, Halford JC, Mander A, Cresswell L, Cohn SR, Suhrcke M, Marsh T, Thomson AM, Jebb SA
BMC Public Health. Jun 2014
(DOI : 10.1186/1471-2458-14-620)