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There are 4 publications that match the search string
author => Gillson C
Scott RA, Freitag DF, Li L, Chu AY, Surendran P, Young R, Grarup N, Stančáková A, Chen Y, Varga TV, Yaghootkar H, Luan J, Zhao JH, Willems SM, Wessel J, Wang S, Maruthur N, Michailidou K, Pirie A, van der Lee SJ, Gillson C, Al Olama AA, Amouyel P, Arriola L, Arveiler D, Aviles-Olmos I, Balkau B, Barricarte A, Barroso I, Garcia SB, Bis JC, Blankenberg S, Boehnke M, Boeing H, Boerwinkle E, Borecki IB, Bork-Jensen J, Bowden S, Caldas C, Caslake M, CVD50 consortium, Cupples LA, Cruchaga C, Czajkowski J, den Hoed M, Dunn JA, Earl HM, Ehret GB, Ferrannini E, Ferrières J, Foltynie T, Ford I, Forouhi NG, Gianfagna F, Gonzalez C, Grioni S, Hiller L, Jansson JH, Jørgensen ME, Jukema JW, Kaaks R, Kee F, Kerrison ND, Key TJ, Kontto J, Kote-Jarai Z, Kraja AT, Kuulasmaa K, Kuusisto J, Linneberg A, Liu C, Marenne G, Mohlke KL, Morris AP, Muir K, Müller-Nurasyid M, Munroe PB, Navarro C, Nielsen SF, Nilsson PM, Nordestgaard BG, Packard CJ, Palli D, Panico S, Peloso GM, Perola M, Peters A, Poole CJ, Quirós JR, Rolandsson O, Sacerdote C, Salomaa V, Sánchez MJ, Sattar N, Sharp SJ, Sims R, Slimani N, Smith JA, Thompson DJ, Trompet S, Tumino R, van der A DL, van der Schouw YT, Virtamo J, Walker M, Walter K, GERAD_EC Consortium, Neurology Working Group of the Cohorts for Heart, Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology (CHARGE) Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology (CHARGE), Alzheimer’s Disease Genetics Consortium, Pancreatic Cancer Cohort Consortium, European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition–Cardiovascular Disease (EPIC-CVD) European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition–Cardiovascular Disease (EPIC-CVD), EPIC-InterAct EPIC-InterAct, Abraham JE, Amundadottir LT, Aponte JL, Butterworth AS, Dupuis J, Easton DF, Eeles RA, Erdmann J, Franks PW, Frayling TM, Hansen T, Howson JM, Jørgensen T, Kooner J, Laakso M, Langenberg C, McCarthy MI, Pankow JS, Pedersen O, Riboli E, Rotter JI, Saleheen D, Samani NJ, Schunkert H, Vollenweider P, O'Rahilly S, CHARGE Consortium, CHD Exome+ Consortium, CARDIoGRAM Exome Consortium, Deloukas P, Danesh J, Goodarzi MO, Kathiresan S, Meigs JB, Ehm MG, Wareham NJ, Waterworth DM
Science translational medicine Sep 2015
(DOI : 10.1126/scitranslmed.aad3744)
Waterworth DM, Li L, Scott RA, Warren L, Gillson C, Aponte J, Sarov-Blat L, Sprecher D, Dupuis J, Reiner A, Psaty BM, Tracy RP, Lin H, McPherson R, Chissoe S, Wareham NJ, Ehm MG
Journal of the American Heart Association Aug 2014
(DOI : 10.1161/JAHA.114.001074)
Yaghootkar H, Lamina C, Scott RA, Dastani Z, Hivert MF, Warren LL, Stančáková A, Buxbaum SG, Lyytikäinen LP, Henneman P, Wu Y, Cheung CY, Pankow JS, Jackson AU, Gustafsson S, Zhao JH, Ballantyne CM, Xie W, Bergman RN, Boehnke M, el Bouazzaoui F, Collins FS, Dunn SH, Dupuis J, Forouhi NG, Gillson C, Hattersley AT, Hong J, Kähönen M, Kuusisto J, Kedenko L, Kronenberg F, Doria A, Assimes TL, Ferrannini E, Hansen T, Hao K, Häring H, Knowles JW, Lindgren CM, Nolan JJ, Paananen J, Pedersen O, Quertermous T, Smith U, Lehtimäki T, Liu CT, Loos RJ, McCarthy MI, Morris AD, Vasan RS, Spector TD, Teslovich TM, Tuomilehto J, van Dijk KW, Viikari JS, Zhu N, Langenberg C, Ingelsson E, Semple RK, Sinaiko AR, Palmer CN, Walker M, Lam KS, Paulweber B, Mohlke KL, van Duijn C, Raitakari OT, Bidulescu A, Wareham NJ, Laakso M, Waterworth DM, Lawlor DA, Meigs JB, Richards JB, Frayling TM
Diabetes Jul 2013
(DOI : 10.2337/db13-0128)
Ye Zheng, Gillson C, Sims M, Khaw KT, Plotka M, Poulton J, Langenberg C, Wareham NJ
Diabetologia Mar 2013
(DOI : 10.1007/s00125-013-2945-6)