Science has no Borders, so Should Scientific Publishing: A Position Statement from the Journal of Physical Activity and Health.
Journal of physical activity & health 2022
Ding D, Carson V, Hunter RF, Jáuregui A, Kolbe-Alexander T, Lee EY, Mair JL, Mielke GI, Oyeyemi AL, Ramírez Varela A, Salvo D, Siefken K, Tassitano RM, van Sluijs E, Hallal PC
DOI : 10.1123/jpah.2022-0570
PubMed ID : 36318917
In a recent commentary in Infant and Child Development, Draper and colleagues highlighted the issue of publication bias in the field of child development, where research from countries in which the majority of the world’s population lives is unacceptably underrepresented in most academic journals. These countries are collectively referred to as the Majority World, low- and middle-income countries, or the Global South, and in this position statement, we refer to them as the Majority World. Draper and colleagues shared their painful experience of constantly having to deal with editors’ and reviewers’ unfair judgment regarding the ‘fit’ of the studies based on where they come from. As most editors at the Journal of Physical Activity and Health (JPAH) are from and/or currently work in the Majority World, such experience sounds all too familiar to us.