Validation of Submaximal Step Tests and the 6-Min Walk Test for Predicting Maximal Oxygen Consumption in Young and Healthy Participants.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2019 ; 16: .
Hong SH, Yang HI, Kim DI, Gonzales TI, Brage S, Jeon JY
DOI : 10.3390/ijerph16234858
PubMed ID : 31816834
: This study aimed to test the validity of three different submaximal tests (i.e., 3-min step test with 20.3-cm step box height (3MST), 3-min step test with 30-cm step box height (3MST), and 6-min walk test (6MWT)) in estimating maximal oxygen consumption (VO) in young and healthy individuals. : The 3MST, 3MST, 6MWT, as well as the cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET) were performed in 73 participants (37 men and 36 women; mean age: 30.8 ± 9.3 years). All participants visited the clinic three times in a random order for anthropometric measurements, three submaximal tests, and the VO test. Multiple linear regression analyses were conducted to construct the VO prediction equations for each submaximal test. : The prediction equations developed based on multiple regression analyses for each submaximal tests were as follows: 3MST: VO = 86.0 - 10.9 × sex (male = 1, female = 2) - 0.4 × age - 0.1 × weight - 0.1 × heart rate recovery at 30 s (HRR30s); 3MST: VO = 84.5 - 10.2 × sex (male = 1, female = 2) - 0.4 × age - 0.1 × weight - 0.1 × HRR30s; and 6MWT: VO = 61.1 - 11.1 × sex (male = 1, female = 2) - 0.4 × age - 0.2 × weight - 0.2 × (distance walked·10). The estimated VO values based on formulated equations were 37.0 ± 7.9, 37.3 ± 7.6, and 36.9 ± 7.9 mL∙kg∙min derived from the 3MST, 3MST, and 6MWT, respectively. These estimated VO values were not significantly different from the measured VO value, 37.3 mL∙kg∙min. The estimated VO based on the 3MST, 3MST, and 6MWT results explained 73.4%, 72.2%, and 74.4% of the variances in the measured VO ( < 0.001), respectively. : The 3MST, 3MST, and 6MWT were valid in estimating VO in relatively young and healthy Asian individuals.